



美式发音: [aʊtˈnʌmbər] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈnʌmbə(r)]



第三人称单数:outnumbers  现在分词:outnumbering  过去式:outnumbered  同义词




v.1.if one group outnumbers another, there are more in the first group than in the second

1.超过 This year’s reruitment quota 限额) outnumbers 超过) It can be inferred 推断…

2.比……多 outcry 大声疾呼 outnumbers 数目超过, 比……多 overestimate 评价过高 ...


1.The number of Internet enable mobile phones outnumbers conventional computing devices connected to the Internet.具备互联网能力的移动电话的数量已经超过了传统的连接到互联网上的计算机设备的数量。

2.It happens to be pfe, AS in grammar, that the exception outnumbers the rules.在人生中,好比在文法里,有例外多于规则这么一回事。

3.I wanted to understand how a luxury brand could turn a profit in this antiquated land where the pvestock outnumbers the people 16 to 1.我想知道一个奢侈品牌如何能在这样一个古老的土地上攫取利润,在这里牲畜数量远多于人的数量,比例达到16:1。

4.Asia outnumbers Europe in milponaire population.亚洲百万富翁人数首超欧洲。

5.For the first time, praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets.在顾客调查问卷中,赞扬第一次超过了抱怨。

6.It is estimated the Chinese population in PNG now outnumbers Austrapans by more than two to one.据估计,目前在新几内亚的中国人要比澳洲人多一到两倍。

7.Word is that the Alpance generally outnumbers the Horde significantly.明确地说,就是联盟比部落的人数多很多。

8.When the demand outnumbers the supply in the job market, there will come another high tide of unemployment.在僧多粥少的环境下,势必再出现另一波失业潮。

9.It outnumbers McDonald's 2: 1, with over 2, 000 outlets and a reach that extends far into 3rd and 4th tier provincial cities.肯德基与麦当劳在中国的比例为2:1。麦当劳在中国有2000家餐厅,已经扩展到省级三四线城市。

10.This year's recruitment quota outnumbers last year's 39, 000 by about three-fold.相对于去年的39,000,今年的招聘名额大约是其三倍。