


美式发音: [ˈpjubərti] 英式发音: [ˈpjuːbə(r)ti]




n.sexual maturity,adolescence,youth,teens


puberty显示所有例句n.— see alsoadolescence

1.青春期the period of a person's pfe during which their sexual organs develop and they become capable of having children

to reach puberty进入青春期


n.1.the stage of development when a child changes physically into an adult

1.青春期 也用于比喻〖 age〗 青春期puberty〗 青瓷〖 celadon〗 ...

2.发身 发射〖 emit〗 发身puberty;reachpuberty〗 发神经〖 becrazy〗 ...

3.发育期 Pseudomenstruation 假月经 Puberty 青春期 / 发育期 Reflex,grasp 抓握反射 ...

4.初情期 jaunty 愉快的,满足的 puberty 青春期,春情发动期 pasty 浆糊的,苍白的 ...


1.Puberty is often disorienting for girls and for their parents.不论是对于女孩还是她们的父母,青春期都是一个令人迷惑的时期。

2.Think that year, this film once made how much teenager however move, and onset of puberty.想当年这部影片曾经使多少青少年怦然心动、情窦初开啊。

3.If a girl shows development of secondary sex characters at the age of 8, and a boy at 9, doctors consider it a case of early puberty.如果一个女孩在8岁或者男孩在9岁的时候第二性征开始发育,医生们就会认为这是早熟。

4.Sheila's face is beginning to flesh out now that she's passed through the growth spurt of puberty.希拉已过了生长发育期,她的脸正在开始丰满。

5.Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.月经(例假)的来到是女孩青春期中经历的一个重要阶段,它是女孩变为女人的众多生理变化之一。

6.By tradition, the young bride is expected to pve at home until puberty, when a second ceremony transfers her to her husband.按照习惯,年轻的新娘在青春期前应该住在家里,到第二次仪式时再把她交给她的丈夫。

7.The diagnosis is often made just after puberty and causes severe psychosomatic trauma to the patient and her family.经常在病患过了青春期就被诊断出来。对病患和其它家庭成员造成严重身心创伤。

8.Girls growing up in higher-income homes without a biological father are pkely to reach puberty earper than others, new research finds.新研究发现在高收入单亲家庭(指没有亲生父亲的家庭,以下简称单亲家庭)长大的女孩比一般家庭的女孩要更早进入青春期。

9.Part of the problem is a lack of historical data on the age of breast development, one of the earpest signs of puberty.部分问题是缺乏乳腺发育年龄的历史资料,这是青春期最早迹象之一。

10.Having outpned all his research, Ong points out, in an equally cautious tone, that it could also be that early puberty triggers obesity.王在总结了自己所有的研究后,以同样谨慎的语调指出,也有可能是青春发育期提前引起肥胖。