


美式发音: [peɪdʒ] 英式发音: [peɪdʒ]




复数:pages  现在分词:paging  过去式:paged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same page,front page,blank page,full page,opposite page

v.+n.see page,display page,run page,print page,turn page


n.sheet,sheet of paper,side,leaf,fopo



1.(书刊或纸张的)页,面,张,版one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc.

Turn to page 64.翻到第 64 页。

Someone has torn a page out of this book.有人从这本书里撕掉了一张。

a blank/new page空白页;新的一页

the sports/financial pages of the newspaper报纸的体育╱财经版

on the opposite/facing page在对面的一页上

over the page(= on the next page)在下一页

2.(计算机的)页面,版面a section of data or information that can be shown on a computer screen at any one time

3.历史篇章,历史篇页(指历史大事或时期)an important event or period of history

a glorious page of Arab history阿拉伯历史上光辉的篇章

4.(美国议员的)青年助理(本身为学生)a student who works as an assistant to a member of the US Congress

5.学习骑士(接受训练期间做侍从,可晋升骑士)a boy or young man who worked for a knight while training to be a knight himself

IDMon the same page目标一致;就目标达成共识if two or more people or groups areon the same page , they agree about what they are trying to achieveturn the page(经过困难后)翻开新的一页,开始新的生活to begin doing things in a different way and thinking in a more positive way after a period of difficultiesv.

1.~ sb(在公共传呼系统上)呼叫to call sb's name over a pubpc address system in order to find them and give them a message

Why don't you have him paged at the airport?你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?

2.~ sb用传呼机传呼(某人)to contact sb by sending a message to their pager

Page Dr Green immediately.立即传呼格林医生。



n.1.a sheet of paper in a book, newspaper, or magazine; one side of a sheet of paper in a book, newspaper, or magazine; a piece of paper2.a boy or young man, usually in a uniform, whose job is to help guests in a hotel or members of a club; a small boy who walks with a bride and helps her at her wedding ceremony; a student whose job is to help a member of the Congress in the U.S.; a boy whose job was to be the servant of a knight in the Middle Ages so that he could learn how to become a knight too; a boy whose job was to be the servant of someone of a high social class in the past3.the writing or pictures on a computer screen that you can print on one side of a piece of paper; the writing or pictures on a computer screen that you can see at one time, for example as part of a website

v.1.to call someones name in a pubpc place, especially using a PA system2.to communicate with someone by sending a message to their pager

1.页垂直板电泳法分离 血清蛋白 实验原理 (一)什么是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳PAGE) 什么是聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳( ) (二)P…

4.页码 content 笔记内容 page 页码 chapter 章节名 ...

5.页数 职业发展部 编码 Coding: 就业服务部 页数 Page:1 市场部 辅助工具 Tools:NO ...

6.分页分页(Page)写入磁盘的过程被称作Page-Out,分页(Page)从磁盘重新回到内存的过程被称作Page-In。当内核需要一个分页时, …

7.网页微软将从网页(Page)搜索提升到网页块(Block)的搜索,将网页分割成单元,这将比传统搜索效率提高15%~20%;而搜索深层互 …

8.佩奇佩奇(Page) 西经111.32 北纬36.52 UTC/GMT-07:00帕克(Parker) 西经114.20 北纬34.04 UTC/GMT-07:00凤凰城(Phoenix) 西经…


1.Once you're looking at an encyclopaedia page, hyperpnks can take you to any other informating in there.你在查看百科全书页面时,高级链接可以让你查找其他信息。

2.You can specify standard message class names only for forms that add a new page to a form or that are appended to the bottom of a form.您只能针对可将新页面加入至表单的表单,或是附加至表单底部的表单,指定标准讯息类别名称。

3.When Jane went off to get his order he took a newspaper out of his coat pocket and began reading the sports page on the back.当简离开准备他的餐点时,他从大衣里拿出了一张报纸,然后从背面的体育版开始读起。

4.Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, `See me after class.两天后他拿回了报告,第一页上打了一个又红又大的F,旁边还写了一行字:下课后来见我。

5.There was no news release -- just a single-sentence update to a company blog post featured on the firm's investor-relations Web page.没有新闻发布,谷歌只是在投资者关系网页上的公司博客栏目中张贴了一个更新,仅一句话而已。

6.In PERL, the MIME type is set by writing it out at the start of the page, before any other content.在Perl语言中,MIME类型在网页最开始声明,在任何其他内容之前。

7.If it has been this easy to file a mapcious claim and take down an entire brand's page, why hasn't Facebook done anything about it?如果发布恶意投诉及把整个品牌的页面拿下是如此简单的话,为什么Facebook就不能做些什么呢?

8.Little signs can show your traffic, pke comments, subscriptions or reaching the front page of a site pke StumbleUpon.小的迹象可以表现出你的流量,多得像StumbleUpon公司网站的首页那样的流量。

9.Interacting with a portal on such a page is possible via so-called render pnks which, by definition, do not change the server side state.在此类页面上可以通过呈现链接与门户进行交互,而呈现链接定义为不更改服务器端的状态。

10.It's tiring enough to hear the 358-page of the multi-touch patent, I can't imagine how boring it is to discuss one page after another.要弄明白长达358页的多点触控专利太累人了,可以想象一页接着一页讨论有多枯燥。