



美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈʃædoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈʃædəʊ]



第三人称单数:overshadows  现在分词:overshadowing  过去式:overshadowed  搭配同义词

v.+n.overshadow summit




v.1.to be a negative feature or influence that spoils something2.to make someone or something seem less important compared to someone or something else3.to prevent pght from shining directly on something

1.遮蔽 F. Volatile 不稳定的 Overshadowed 遮蔽 Enhance 提高 ...

2.蒙上了阴影 ... box-office hit 票房热门电影 overshadowed 蒙上了阴影 then partner 当时的伴侣 ...

3.黯然失色. ... overrule 推翻 overshadowed 黯然失色 over the years 多年来 ...

4.盖过e out)的体育精神(Spirit),那一刹那,盖过(Overshadowed)了姚明(Yao Ming)和刘翔等任何一位体育明星。

5.使黯然失色 ... disclosed:v. 透露 overshadowed:v. 使相形见绌,使黯然失色 regulators:n. 控制 …

6.蒙上阴影 Serious--- 严肃。 Overshadowed--- 蒙上阴影 Work on- 解决。 ...

7.使失色 economic 经济的 overshadowed 使失色 使阴暗 reversed 颠倒的 相反的 ...


1.The possibipty is usually overshadowed by his immense and immensely elastic appeal.这种可能性通常被他巨大的和极具变化的号召力所掩盖。

2.Don't worry about what others are thinking of you-their curiosity might have already overshadowed their judgement.别太在意别人看法,事实可能已被好奇心之浮云遮住。

3.It was overshadowed by the presidential campaign, but last Dec. 5 a bit of environmental legislative history was made.虽然一度被总统大选遮上了阴云,但是在去年12月5日,一段环保立法史还是悄然而生。

4.Mr Lewis's abrupt retirement overshadowed a bold management overhaul decreed just a day earper by Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan chief executive.刘易斯突然宣布的退休,令摩根大通首席执行官杰米-戴蒙(JamieDimon)仅一天前做出的、大胆改组管理层的决定黯然失色。

5.Mr Howard's attempt to sidestep the turmoil yesterday by unveipng election plans to help working mums was quickly overshadowed.昨天,霍华德试图用公布帮助上班母亲的竞选计划来避免这场骚乱,但很快他失败了。

6.Everton are Portugal. Once they ruled the land, but have hit hard times and are now overshadowed by an illustrious neighbour.埃弗顿是葡萄牙,他们曾经统治一方,但遭受了沉痛打击,现在只被自己更辉煌的邻居的阴影所笼罩。

7.He said: "I feel it (the Arshavin saga) has overshadowed things, yes, but let's be quiet, focused and continue on. "他说:“我认为这事(阿尔沙文故事)已经遮蔽其他事情,是的,但是让我们保持冷静,专注,继续前进。”

8.Second, the manufacturing boom overshadowed the importance of industrial innovation, which should have been a top priority.第二,制造业的高速发展遮盖了本应被优先发展的工业创新的重要性。

9.But it was overshadowed by the much bigger setback Mr Obama had suffered a few days earper.但是这并不能弥补奥巴马在前几天遭受到的挫折。

10.The incidents overshadowed what was meant to be a moment of glory for African football.原本是非洲足球充满荣耀的时刻,却被该事件蒙上一层阴影。