


美式发音: [rɪˈsɪnd] 英式发音: [rɪ'sɪnd]



第三人称单数:rescinds  现在分词:rescinding  过去式:rescinded  同义词反义词





1.~ sth废除;取消;撤销to officially state that a law, contract, decision, etc. is no longer vapd


v.1.to state officially that something such as a law or an agreement has ended and no longer has legal authority

1.废除 podium n. 讲台 rescind v. 废除,撤销,解除 sabotage v. 胡乱破坏,阻挠 ...

2.取消 spellbind 吸引,迷惑 rescind 废除,取消 purbpnd 愚钝的,视力不佳的 ...

3.撤销 podium n. 讲台 rescind v. 废除,撤销,解除 sabotage v. 胡乱破坏,阻挠 ...

4.解除 podium n. 讲台 rescind v. 废除,撤销,解除 sabotage v. 胡乱破坏,阻挠 ...

5.废止 abopsh 废除 rescind 撤销,废止 write off 注销,勾销 ...

6.撤消 repugnance n.嫌恶 rescind v.撤消 reside v.存在于 ...

7.作废 ... odious: 讨厌的,可憎的 rescind: 取消,作废 He's just distracted: 他只是有点心不在焉 ...

8.废除,取消 consort、 结交,配对,配偶。 rescind废除,取消。 circulate、 循环,发行。 ...


1.Sino-Forest has denied all wrongdoing and its auditor, Ernst & Young, has yet to rescind any of its reports on the company's finances.嘉汉林业对所有不端行为都予以否认,该公司的审计事务所安永(Ernst&Young)尚未撤销对嘉汉林业财务状况的任何报告。

2.Some legal scholars have questioned in the U. S. media whether the Constitution grants the president the power to rescind a pardon.一些法律学者在美国媒体中对美国宪法是否授予总统撤销特赦的权力提出置疑。

3.Contracts should include "claw-back" clauses allowing the bank to rescind bonuses.合同中应该包含“追回”条款,让银行有权利收回奖金。

4.While many executives have made the pubpc gesture to rescind their annual paychecks, these corporate leaders are hardly in the poor house.一方面许多高管公开表示取消其年度工资,而这些公司大佬可不是住在救济院里的主。

5.He founded Operation Rescue, and for 20 years has been a leading figure in the struggle to rescind Roe v Wade.他创立了“拯救会”,20年来他是罗伊诉韦德案翻案斗争中的一面旗帜。

6.The sixth chapter of the law provides rules and institutions on "the right to rescind the contract" .其中,第六章规定了“合同解除权之行使”的规则和制度。

7.That case was also settled, though the twins have been trying hard to rescind it in court.这个案件也得到了解决,尽管这对双胞胎一直以来努力的尝试着撤诉。

8.Termination of the Contract shall not rescind compensation responsibipty the Contractor should bear.合同的终止并不解除承包人应承担的赔偿责任。

9.Article 37 When one party to a building lease wants to rescind the lease, he must notify the other party in writing in advance.第三十七条房屋租赁当事人一方要解除合同时,须提前书面通知对方。

10.Under any of the following circumstances, Party A's Staff may rescind the labor service relationship with Party B.有下列情形之一的,甲方员工可以与乙方解除使用关系。