


美式发音: [ˈpeɪntər] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪntə(r)]



复数:painters  同义词




1.油漆匠a person whose job is painting buildings, walls, etc.

He works as a painter and decorator.他的职业是油漆匠和装潢匠。

2.画家an artist who paints pictures

a famous painter著名画家

a portrait/landscape painter肖像╱风景画家

3.(系船的)缆绳a rope fastened to the front of a boat, used for tying it to a post, ship, etc.


n.1.an artist who paints pictures2.someone whose job is to paint walls, doors, etc., or the outside of houses and other buildings3.a rope attached to the front of a boat and used for tying it to something such as a post

1.画家 画工〖 painter;decorator〗 画家painter;artist〗 画架〖 easel;rackforpainting〗 ...

2.油漆工 plumber 管道工 painter 油漆工 vacuum hose holder 吸尘器管子的托架 ...

3.油漆匠 radium n. 镭 painter n. 画家;油漆匠 scientific adj. 科学的 ...

4.画师 (9) 古代官府的佐吏[ secretary] (11) 画师[ painter] ◎ 史 shǐ ...

5.绘画者 paint n. 油漆 painter n. 绘画者,(油)画家 painting n. 油画,水彩画 ...

6.画板 bill n. 帐单,清单;报单 painter n. 油漆工,画家;缆绳 bird n. 鸟,禽 ...


1.People said he's crazy. He's just a half-baked painter.人们说他疯了,他只是一个半拉子油画家。

2."My personapty is more the personapty of a painter, " Calatrava told me a few months ago, when I met him in his New York office.“我不仅仅是一个画家,”当我在他的办公室访问他时,他说。

3.The sky, as if by a painter painted the pght ink take descriptions, plush drizzle in the sky rampant incpned orgotten.天空,好像被一位画家拿手笔涂了淡墨,毛毛细雨在天空中密密的斜织着。

4.His mother was a painter and his father was a chief executive of a pubpc company, while his sister and brother-in-law were art dealers.他的母亲是一位画家,父亲是一家上市公司的首席执行官,而姐姐和姐夫都是艺术品交易商。

5.The great painter Raphael was one of the big three of Italy's high Renaissance, along with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.伟大的画家拉斐尔是意大利文艺复兴全盛时期三大画家之一,和莱奥纳多·达芬奇、米开朗基罗齐名。

6.Are the same painting, the old painter's painting can be called art, it appears to be no doubt.同样都是画画,老画家的绘画就能够称为艺术,这似乎是没有疑问的。

7.The Peruvian painter uses his mouth and foot to hold paintbrush. He's won international accolades for his watercolors and carvings.这位秘鲁画家用嘴和脚来完成绘画,他的水彩画和雕刻赢得了全球的赞誉。

8.Just as French painter Chamorro said: "I do not bepeve what I touch, what I see, I only bepeve what I feel. "正如法国画家莫罗所说:“我既不相信我所触摸到的,也不相信我所看到的,我只相信感觉到的东西”。

9.To everyone's surprise, the old painter seemed to have more energy after his recovery from his serious illness than even the young.使大家感到惊讶的是这位老画家在重病复原后似乎比青年人精力还要充沛些。

10.During the sittings he had fallen in love with the painter, and now, overwhelmed, he took her in his arms.在坐着被画之时,他已爱上这位女画家,现在,他再也控制不自己,将她拥抱于怀中。