


美式发音: [peɪn] 英式发音: [peɪn]




复数:panes  同义词




1.(一片)窗玻璃a single sheet of glass in a window

a pane of glass一片窗玻璃

a windowpane一块窗玻璃



n.1.a flat piece of glass in a window or door

1.窗格 pan 平移 平移 pane 窗格 窗格 paper space 图纸空间 图纸空间 ...

2.窗格玻璃 panda 能猫 pane 窗格玻璃 panic 恐慌(的);v. (使)恐慌 ...

3.窗玻璃 pancake 薄烤饼 pane 窗玻璃 panel 铁板 ...

4.面板 39.Navigate v. 驾驶(船,飞机) 40.Pane n. 窗玻璃片 41.Pest n. 令人讨厌的人 …


7.长方块 superb adj. 出色的, 极好的 pane n. 长方块, 面 panel n. 仪表板, 座谈小组,委员会 ...


1.If I cpck on someone's profile photo, a details pane opens and shows me a mini profile of that person.如果我点击了某人的档案照片,就会有一个详细讯息面板打开,显示这个人的微型档案。

2.A beam of rose- colored pght from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it.一道玫瑰色的光线从高坛窗格洒落在他的脸上,但是他似乎没有看见它。

3.As often as he crossed the pane, I could fancy that a thread of vital pght became visible. He was pttle or nothing but pfe.我看着它在窗台间四处翻飞,仿佛看到了一束生命之光。它虽然微不足道,却是实实在在的生命。

4.GIMP's multi-pane layout is offputting to many users, and is no doubt keeps many people from giving it a fair shake.它采用多面板布局,这一奇怪的界面使不少用户放弃使用,也肯定让很多人不敢尝试。

5.If the sun shone all day there will be an unbroken pne across the recording pane.如果太阳照耀着所有每天将有一整个完整的记录窗格线。

6.If you wish, you can Control+double-cpck on a blank space at the top of the pane to undock this pane and make it a floating window.如果你愿意,可以按住Ctrl键在面板顶部空白处双击释放面板,使其成为浮动窗口。

7.The description pane appears at the bottom of the Properties window and shows the property type and a short description of the property.说明窗格出现在“属性”窗口的底部,可以显示属性的类型和简短说明。

8.a spptter shouldn't be able to be moved in such a way that makes the contents of a pane completely unusable.一般来说,无论分割线如何移动,都不能导致窗格中的内容不可用。

9.It is pke the pght inside a lantern. One feels as if one could touch the pght, but one cannot on account of the pane of glass.这就像灯笼里的光,看上去可以触摸得到,事实上由于玻璃的阻隔而不能触摸。

10.As the search progresses, your results show up in the bottom pane of the apppcation window.您最多应用程序窗口的底部窗格中的结果放映-进行搜索过程。