

vitamin P

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1.维生素P Vitamin M 维生素M vitamin P 维生素P vitamin R 维生素R ...

2.柠檬素 柠檬色的 citreous 柠檬素 citrin;hesperidin;vitamin P 柠檬酸;枸橼酸 citric acid ...

3.维生素P带来健康 ... 联合国设立“曼德拉日” Mandela Day 维生素P带来健康 Vitamin P 吵闹与创造力 Chaos and Creativity ...

4.芦丁 ... Rutecarpine 吴茱萸次碱 VitaMin P 芦丁 Hydroxysafflor yellow A 羟基红花黄色素A ...

5.也有称thyl chalcone:橙皮甲基苯基苯乙烯酮,也有称Vitamin P), VIT P类黄酮, 天然橙皮萃取物:可以减少毛细血管内的血 …


1.Each kg of eggplant contains up to 7200 mg of vitamin P. Within the popular health food category, it is described as outstanding.每公斤茄子含维生素P达七千二百毫克,在大众化健康食物的蔬菜中,可谓出类拔萃。

2.Lemon is generally accepted as the representative fruit rich in Vitamin P. But compared with Jujube, it is much more inferior.一般公认柠檬是含维生素P丰富的代表,但和鲜枣相比,却逊色十几倍。

3.Vitamin P has some good effect on strengthening our capillaries and preventing us from Hematopathy and Cardio-Cerebral-Vascular diseases.维生素P对健全人体的毛细血管、防治血液病及心脑血管疾患都有一定的作用。

4.Tea contains saponins and vitamin P higher than other teas, on of the greasy, fat, weight loss has a unique role.普洱茶内含的皂甙和维生素P高于其它茶类,对化油腻、降血脂、减肥有独特的作用。

5.Vitamin P can enhance the adhesion between human cells, lower cholesterol, maintain the tenacity of microvascular (blood capillary).维生素P能增强人体细胞间的粘著力,降低胆固醇,保持微血管的坚韧性。

6.Vitamin P can enhance the effect of vitamin C, suppress tyrosinase that darkens the skin, and treat black spots, freckles, etc.维生素P的效能,可增强维生素C的作用,能抑制导致皮肤变黑的酪氨酸酶的作用,可用于治疗黑斑、雀斑等皮肤病。

7.The content of Vitamin C and Vitamin P in Jujubes is the highest of all fruits.枣中维生素C和维生素P含量最高,居各种水果之冠。