


美式发音: [ˈtɪmɪd] 英式发音: ['tɪmɪd]








1.羞怯的;胆怯的;缺乏勇气的shy and nervous; not brave

He stopped in the doorway, too timid to go in.他在门口停住了脚步,不好意思进去。

They've been rather timid in the changes they've made(= they've been afraid to make any big changes) .他们对所进行的变革一直小心翼翼。

a timid voice羞怯的声音

adj.1.胆小的,羞怯的,提心吊胆的2.对...害怕 (of);(对生人)难为情 (with);(对事)缩手缩脚 (about)

adj.1.shy and nervous

1.胆小的 vivid 活泼的 timid 胆小的 placid 恬静的 ...

2.胆怯的 diathermal a 透热的 timid a 胆怯的 timidity n 胆怯;胆小 ...

3.羞怯的 thoughtful 体贴人的 timid 但小的,羞怯的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 ...

4.怯懦的 intelpgent 聪明的 timid 怯懦的 stubborn 倔强的 ...

5.害羞的 thoughtfully ad. 考虑周到地 timid a. 胆怯的, 害羞的 unattractive a. 不诱人的 ...


1.A year to the day after the ball, a timid knock sounded upon the door of Rachael's parents' home.一年后的一天,雷切尔父母的家门上响起一阵颤颤巍巍的敲门声。

2.It was not easy to determine, for she was timid and fearful of being repulsed.作这一个决定倒不容易,因为她有些怯生生的,害怕遭到拒绝。

3.He was the biggest kid in the class, but he was the timid type, the kind of kid who'd always end up the target of pranks and insults.他的体格虽然是全班最宏伟壮硕,个性却非常胆小畏缩,是那种很容易招惹好事者半开玩笑欺负他的类型。

4.I once saw a photo of him. Wearing a cotton coat, he appeared to be very timid with a dull look in his eyes.我见过他的照片,穿着土布棉衣,目光呆滞,畏畏缩缩,是那个时代到处可以遇见的一个中国平民。

5.Next to a few rabbits, you look at me, and I Chouchou you, froze for a long time before timid walked over and shut the door.旁边的几只兔子,你瞧瞧我,我瞅瞅你,愣了半天,才缩手缩脚的走过去,关上了大门。

6.The last good thing the boy did was to help a timid classmate fight against violence of bully, during which he died under a knife cutting.这个男孩做的最后一件好事是帮助一个胆小的同学对抗暴力威胁,在这个过程中他被捅了一刀,不治身亡。

7.There was another long silence, after which she said in a timid voice, "Had n't we better walk to the next station? "一阵寂静之后,她胆怯地说:“是不是应该走到下个车站去?”

8.On the night of the ball, Lorillard was too timid to wear one of his tailless dinner jackets.晚会的那天夜里,劳瑞拉德胆太小没好意思穿他的无尾短上衣。

9.This woman voice is clear and fragile, that clumsy and timid and serene exterior even if is loudly talk to all terror to scare her to her.这女子声音清脆,那羞涩恬静的样子就算是对她大声说话都怕吓着她。

10.However, some birds sang and fluttered in the fopage, and appeared very timid, as if man had inspired them with an instinctive fear.还好,树枝间有小鸟在乱飞乱叫,显得非常胆小,似乎看见了人,才懂得害怕了。