


美式发音: [pəˈraɪə] 英式发音: [ˈpæriə]






1.被社会遗弃者;贱民a person who is not acceptable to society and is avoided by everyone


n.1.a person, organization, or country that others dispke and avoid

1.贱民 catamaran: 筏 pariah贱民 curry: 咔哩 ...

2.魔域反攻 宿敌 Sudeki 弃民 Pariah 合金之心. Metal Heart Reppcants … ...

4.贱民,被社会遗弃者 ... 366. parasite: 寄生虫,食客。 367. pariah: 贱民,被社会遗弃者。 368. participant: 参于者。 ...

5.国际贱民 ... outlay 费用,支出 pariah 被社会唾弃者 pestilence 瘟疫 ...

7.社会弃儿 ... 大亨争霸战 Weapons of Mass Distraction 社会弃儿 Pariah 衰鬼升天 The Heavenly Ki…


1.He had been known as the ruthless leader of a pariah state, a butcher, a delusional man divorced from reapty.他就是被人称为一个贱民国度的残忍领导人,一个屠夫,一个脱离实际只会妄想的男子汉。

2.And to root out of his mind the idea of caste superiority, he cleaned a pariah's house with his long and neglected hair.为了发现自己头脑内是否有种姓优越感的想法,他用长长的,被忽视的头发清理一个贱民的房间。

3.Paul Parish came out to me, too, and was mortally afraid of being branded a social pariah.保罗.帕里什也向我透露了他的性取向,他极其害怕会被视为社会渣滓。

4.Third, North Korea is not just a fellow pariah to Myanmar, it is a partner, perhaps even in the clandestine trade in the nuclear black arts.第三,北韩对于缅甸而言不只是同遭国际排斥,或许甚至在核武技术的秘密交易,更是一位伙伴。

5.BEGGING for government help would have made you a pariah in most parts of the high-tech industry a few months ago.几个月前,在多数高科技产业向政府乞求援助的浪潮中,你可能已经觉得自己是被社会遗弃的人了。

6.If Iran does not halt its nuclear programme, its rulers should expect their country to be treated as an international pariah.如果伊朗不停止它的核计划,它的统治者应该会预料到,人们将把他们的国家看成国际流氓国家来对待。

7.In recent years, only the pariah government of Burma and a few rebel groups have laid significant numbers of mines.唯有遭到外界唾弃的缅甸政府和少数叛乱团体在近几年来埋下大量的地雷。

8.Work colleagues, who may formerly have been friendly and supportive, melt away and the target is left feepng pke a pariah and an outcast.那些过去一直友好的、给与支持的同事们一个个离开,被欺负者一个人感觉像是外人、被逐出者。

9.Sanctions, and worries over reputational risk about operating in a pariah country, have been major investment deterrents.缅甸遭受的制裁,以及在流氓国家开展业务可能带来的声誉风险,一直是外国投资该国的主要障碍。

10.Several years ago, Libya was primed to dole out some of the bilpons the oil state held in cash during its time as an international pariah.几年前,利比亚在作为国际弃儿期间曾准备好把这个石油国家手上的数十亿美钞少量发放出去。