


美式发音: [ˈskʌf(ə)l] 英式发音: ['skʌf(ə)l]




第三人称单数:scuffles  现在分词:scuffpng  过去式:scuffled  同义词


v.wrestle,come to blows,exchange blows



1.~ (with sb).~ (between A and B)(短暂而不太激烈的)肢体摩擦,冲突a short and not very violent fight or struggle

Scuffles broke out between popce and demonstrators.警察和示威者之间发生了冲突。


1.[i]~ (with sb)(短暂而不严重地)扭打,冲突,争斗to fight or struggle with each other for a short time, in a way that is not very serious

She scuffled with photographers as she left her hotel.在离开所住的旅馆时,她和一些摄影记者发生了冲突。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.窸窸窣窣地疾行to move quickly making a quiet rubbing noise

Some animal was scuffpng in the bushes.有只动物在灌木丛中窸窸窣窣地穿行。

v.1.扭打,乱斗,混战 (with)2.拖脚行走


v.1.to have a short fight that is not very violent2.to move quickly in a way that makes a noise

n.1.a small fight that lasts for a short time and is not very violent

1.混战 combat 战斗 scuffle 混战 bptzkrieg 闪电战 ...

2.扭打 GOP NYPD 纽约市警察局 scuffle 扭打, 混战.扭打, 混战 plaza 广场,集市场所 ...

3.打架 打价,打价儿〖 bargain;haggle〗 打架〖 fight;scuffle〗 打江山〖 fighttowinstatepower〗 ...

4.相打,徒手格斗 【mix it up】 参与打斗;举拳猛打 【fight;scuffle相打,徒手格斗 【come to blows】 打起来 ...

5.扭打事件后 ... (catch sb) 赶上鲁梅尼,所有共和党人 (scuffle) 扭打事件后, (want oversight) 要监管(监管缺失)收债人,信用机 …

6.击杀 [rule;standard] 规矩;准则 [fight;scuffle] 拼斗杀死;击杀 [especially] 超出常规常态之外 ...

7.克架 井架[ well tower] 克架[ scuffle] 框架[ frame;case] ...


1.As Cape Town approached there was an argument and a scuffle in the corridor, and my heart sank.在接近开普敦时,在走廊里发生了争执和厮打,我心里一沉。

2.In fact, a couple of days ago Sadie got into a scuffle with a stray cat and emerged with a few scratches on her face.实际上,几天前赛迪和一只流浪猫还打了一架,脸上留下了几道抓痕。

3.Will scuffle more will only do is more wrong, will work earnestly can do rightly the matter, will work attentively can complete the matter.敷衍了事只会越做越错,认真做事能把事情做对,用心做事才能把事情做好。

4.Witnesses said the man shouted he had a gun and drew the weapon from his waistband during the scuffle in a busy Sheung Wan street.目击者说该疑犯大喝他有枪并从腰间拔出武器。事发地点是繁忙的上环街头。

5.Setting off the scuffle was an attempt by an unregistered local church to hold a Christimas gala on a stage set up in a village square.这场混战的导火索是一个没有注册的当地教堂试图在村庄广场的搭建一个舞台举办圣诞聚会。

6.Wang said he had walked out of the store and was passing by the scuffle when a bottle hit his head, causing a gash.王说当他从商店走出来并穿过混乱的人群时,一个瓶子打中了他的头,并划了一个口子。

7.Marginal governments, involved in local expansionism , continually scuffle with one another and with major global powers.边际政府,参与当地的扩张,不断扭打彼此间以及同全球主要的权力。

8.Witness Wang Ming said the scuffle was between a "foreign" Apple worker and a Chinese customer over the latest white-coloured iPhone.目击者王明告诉我们这场冲突是一名外籍苹果员工和一名中国的消费者因为最新上市的白色IPHONe引起的。

9.During the scuffle he received serious blade injury to his left hand while the girl also had a minor cut on her neck.在混战中,他收到刀片严重伤害他的左手,而女孩也对她的脖子轻微削减。

10.On that awful November night, four months after his arrest, he thought he and six other prisoners were being punished for a petty scuffle.就在他被捕4个月后那个可怕的11月夜晚,他才意识到他和他6个朋友所遭受的这一切惩罚仅仅是因为一次很小的混战。