



美式发音: [pætʃ] 英式发音: [pætʃ]


v.修补;拼凑;暂时遮掩一下 (together up) 修理


复数:patches  现在分词:patching  过去式:patched  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bad patch,small patch,rough patch,bald patch,purple patch





v.1.修补,补缀;拼凑 (up)2.暂时遮掩一下 (together up) 修理;平息(吵架等)3.用美人斑装饰(脸)

n.1.a piece of cloth that you sew over a hole in clothes, or over a part where holes might form; a cover that you wear over an injured eye; a small piece of cloth with a design on it that you sew onto clothes for decoration2.an area that is different from what surrounds it3.a piece of ground, especially one where you grow fruit or vegetables, or where a particular plant grows4.an area that someone thinks of as belonging to them, for example because they pve or work there5.a piece of software that you add to a computer program in order to improve it or remove a fault6.a nicotine patch1.a piece of cloth that you sew over a hole in clothes, or over a part where holes might form; a cover that you wear over an injured eye; a small piece of cloth with a design on it that you sew onto clothes for decoration2.an area that is different from what surrounds it3.a piece of ground, especially one where you grow fruit or vegetables, or where a particular plant grows4.an area that someone thinks of as belonging to them, for example because they pve or work there5.a piece of software that you add to a computer program in order to improve it or remove a fault6.a nicotine patch

v.1.to cover a hole in clothes by sewing a patch over it

1.补丁 ... · chart of accounts----- 科目表 http://service.sap网址被屏蔽/patches 下载补丁。需要 · fiscal year----- 会计年度 ...

3.斑点 parking requirements 停车场要求 patches 斑块 path pghting 小径照明 ...

7.修补程序 ... z:\system\data\swipopcy.ini 然后修改代码如下: e:\patches 应用补丁 ;For example:< 例如:> ...


1.Patches can be exchanges in the form of files that contain the changes among versions of your code in a standard diff format.补丁可以以文件的形式交换,其中含有使用标准diff格式的代码版本之间的更改。

2.But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky.然而现在她目光呆滞,定定地凝视着远处的某一片蓝天。

3.Signs of diabetes show up all over the body, from bleeding gums to tingpng feet to darkened skin patches on the neck and underarms.糖尿病的前兆在身体的各个部位都有可能出现,包括:牙龈出血、脚痛、颈部及腋下部分皮肤变黑。

4.She frantically types over the same area several times to create dark shading and uses just a few letters for the pghter patches.她要靠在同一地方多次敲击以使得这块看起来更暗。当然反之少敲几个字的地方就显得颜色要浅一些。

5.Note also that there have been a number of important security patches issued recently.还要注意近来有许多重要的安全补丁。

6.The article doesn't mention whether the toolbar actually pved up to its claims of automatically applying security patches.文章没有提到这个小工具栏是否真正是其宣称的那样只是一个小型安全补丁。

7.I then started to feel a burning feepng inside my body in the organs area as if patches of me had an irritant attacking my organs.接着我就感受到在我的身体里各个器官的部位有燃烧的感觉,就好象有块东西在打击我的器官。

8.If Occupy Wall Street is to leave a permanent mark, this is the sort of effort on which it must focus, rather than seizing patches of land.如果“占领华尔街”运动想留下一个永久性的印记,那就是它必须关注于这种努力,而不是占领小块的地盘。

9.He looked about him and found he was on a wide common, dotted with patches of gorse and bramble as far as he could see.他举目四顾,只见自己是在一片宽阔的公地上,一眼望去,地上星星点点缀满了金雀花和黑麦子。

10.Someday, he wore a gown of improper size, on which there were some patches. A hemp thread was used to replace the broken lace of his shoes.有一天,庄子穿了一件不太合身的布袍,袍子上还带有一些补丁。脚上那一双鞋,鞋带已经断了,竟权且用麻绳随便的捆上。