




1.新娘和新郎 She had been groomed for a career in the civil service. 她受过公务员职业培训。 ...the bride and groom. …新娘和新郎。 ...

2.新郎新娘 a rod and pne 带有钓线的钓竿 the bride and groom 新郎新娘 a cup and saucer 连碟的杯子 ...


1.The bridesmaids and ushers once dressed pke the bride and groom to trick evil spirits so that they would not know who was getting married.从前,男女傧相在婚礼上要穿跟新郎、新娘相似的衣服,以迷惑魔鬼,让他们弄不清谁要结婚。

2.Upon his arrival, the bride and groom are hoisted into the air and paraded around on the shoulders of their guests.到达之后,宾客列队将新婚男女扛在空中,绕场游行一番。

3.The bride and groom cooked porridge at their wedding, leading to the popular expression "you won't cook porridge with him or her. "新郎和新娘要在婚礼上煮粥,所以后来就出现了这样的说法:“离了她或他,你可就煮不成粥”。

4.The bride and groom-to-be swore they were "of complete Aryan descent" and had "no hereditary disease to exclude their marriage. "新娘和新郎宣誓他们是“纯亚利安人种”,“没有不能结婚的遗传病。”

5.In accordance with Afghan culture the men are required to be segregated from the women with the exception of the bride and groom.根据阿富汗的文化风俗,除了新郎和新娘之外,妇女必须与男性隔离。

6.He is standing at the wedding, near the dancefloor, watching the bride and groom's first dance, and is now greatly concerned.他站在婚礼的舞池旁,看新娘和新郎跳第一支舞,心里很担心。

7.Just a reminder this is to be shared just between the bride and groom.只要给人一个提醒这是夫妻之间的事就行。

8.At least 44 people, including the bride and groom, the imam, and an entire family of six children and their parents, were killed.至少有44人丧生,包括新郎、新娘和司仪。一个有六个孩子的八口之家也全部遇难。

9.When they came out of the church , the bride and groom were showered with confetti .新郎新娘走出教堂时,身上被撒满了五彩纸屑。

10.It may mean packing your car full of Stuff that you don't want and the bride and groom are too tired to think about.这意味着将把你的车塞满你不想要而且新郎新娘懒得想的东西。