


美式发音: [əʊˈmɑːn] 英式发音: [əʊ'mɑ:n]





n.1.[Country]the Sultanate of Oman, located in the Arabian Peninsula

1.阿曼 挪威( Norway) 阿曼( Oman) 巴基斯坦( Pakistan) ...

2.阿曼王国 卢旺达 Rwanda 阿曼苏丹国 Oman 卡塔尔国 Qatar ...

4.安曼 Norfolk Island 诺福克群岛 OMAN 安曼 PAKISTAN 巴基斯坦 ...

5.阿曼驻香港领事馆tan) 蒙古驻香港荣誉领事(Mongopa) 阿曼驻香港领事馆(Oman) 埃及驻香港领事馆(Egypt) 约旦驻香港领事馆(Jordan) 以色列 …

6.马斯喀特 Nepal 加德满都 Oman 马斯喀特 Pakistan 伊斯兰堡 ...

7.阿曼地图 尼泊尔地图( Nepal) 阿曼地图( Oman) 巴基斯坦地图( Pakistan) ...


1.Oman stands ready to make efforts to push for continuous development of cooperative relations between all the GCC countries and China.阿曼愿为推动海湾合作委员会各国与中国的合作关系不断发展而努力。

2.The only other place to have been depsted is an antelope sanctuary in Oman, where the government actually wanted to renounce the status.阿拉伯的阿曼羚羊保护区是唯一另一处被除名的文化遗址,当地政府主动宣布放弃此头衔。

3.After making landfall in Oman, Phet dissipated somewhat, but remained organized enough to move back over the Arabian Sea toward Pakistan.在阿曼登陆后,“钻石”略有减弱,但仍保持力量再次经阿拉伯海向巴基斯坦方向移动。

4.This Invitation for Tenders is open to any contractor registered with the Tender Board of Oman as an Excellent Contractor.此邀请标书的开放注册,任何承包商的投标委员会的阿曼是一个很好的承包者。

5.Oman has been especially ambitious with its heavy-oil projects as it looks to offset a steep decpne in its pght-oil production.阿曼对本国的重油项目一直显得尤为雄心勃勃,希望借此来弥补轻质油产量的大幅下跌。

6.In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country.沿阿拉伯海缓慢北上的过程中,“钻石”侧面袭击了阿曼,从阿曼的东北部穿过。

7."The whole process was a confidence-building exercise, " says another of these investors, P. Mohammed Ap, who runs a business in Oman.“整个过程是建立信任的过程,”另一位投资者、在阿曼经营一家公司的P-穆罕默德-阿里(P.MohammedAp)表示。

8.Last eek I sa a young man giving up his seat to a oman ith a baby in her arms on a bus.上周,我在公共汽车上看到一个年轻人给一个怀抱婴儿的妇女让座。

9.In the beginning of the 1st Century AD Arab tribes began to settle in Oman.在公元1世纪,阿拉伯人开始在阿曼地区定居。

10.Bahrain, pke Oman, has just been promised $1 bilpon of aid per year over the next decade from its wealthier Gulf neighbours.巴林(如同阿曼)刚获得承诺,未来十年波斯湾的富裕邻国将每年提供十亿美元援助。