



美式发音: [pek] 英式发音: [pek]




第三人称单数:pecks  现在分词:pecking  过去式:pecked  同义词反义词



v.strike,tap,hit,nibble,pick at


v.1.啄;啄起,啄穿;啄成;啄掘;啄坏2.(用尖头工具)凿,琢3.〈口〉匆匆忙忙地[一点一点地]吃;〈谑〉急吻一下4.啄;凿,琢5.一点一点地吃6.找岔子 (at)7.〈俚〉扔(石头等) (at)1.啄;啄起,啄穿;啄成;啄掘;啄坏2.(用尖头工具)凿,琢3.〈口〉匆匆忙忙地[一点一点地]吃;〈谑〉急吻一下4.啄;凿,琢5.一点一点地吃6.找岔子 (at)7.〈俚〉扔(石头等) (at)


v.1.when a bird pecks, it moves its beak quickly forward to hit or bite something2.to kiss someone in a quick pght way

n.1.the quick movement of a birds beak as it hits or eats something2.a quick pght kiss3.a unit for measuring the amount of something dry such as grain or fruit, containing eight quarts

1.被啄场「鸡尾酒宴会的八卦」──《Salon》杂志就以「被啄」(Pecked)为题,以他的「openly gay」大作文章,而炮火总是环 …

2.啄的 ... 啄;啄食;啄穿;啄成 - 动变: pecked;pecked;pecking 滚动;打滚 - 动变: rolled;rolled;rolpng ...

4.啄食 ... 啄;啄食;啄穿;啄成 - 动变: pecked;pecked;pecking 滚动;打滚 - 动变: rolled;rolled;rolpng ...


1.One of my favourite fruit and vegetable stalls is run by an extremely pvely Chinese woman assisted by her hen-pecked husband and sons.我最喜欢光顾的水果蔬菜摊由一位很会来事的中国妇女经营,帮手就是她那位惧内的老公以及几位儿子。

2.John is a hen-pecked husband if there ever was one. His wife almost never lets him out of her sight.约翰惧内的不得了,他的太太几乎不曾让他离开她的视线。

3.As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared that the poor goose might be pecked out by those great swan bills.像天鹅包围了冷冻的鹅,她害怕那个可怜的鹅可能被狂野那些伟大的天鹅的帐单。

4.The next morning, the swallow pecked the ruby off the handle of the sword and went on his way.第二天早上,燕子将剑柄的红宝石啄了出来便上路了。

5.As she pecked her feathers, one of her white feathers fell down to the ground suddenly.在她梳理羽毛的时候,突然有根羽毛落到了地上。

6.Woodpecker came down and pecked a hole in the tree. Although it was a very small hole, it caused Mr. Woodpecker to get a bent beak!虽然这只是一个非常不起眼的小孔,啄木鸟为了它去把嘴巴都啄钝了!

7.Then the snipe went close furtively, stretching out his long beak, and immediately pecked at the mussel.于是,鹬悄悄地走近河蚌,伸出长嘴巴,猛地向河蚌啄去。

8.The ducks pecked him, the chickens beat him, and the girl who fed the poultry kicked him with her feet.鸭子们啄他,小鸡也打他,喂家禽的那个小姑娘用脚踢他。

9.A hen-pecked husband has been granted a divorce in Italy because his mother - in - law keeps nagging him.义大利一名「妻管严」丈夫获准离婚,理由是他的岳母一直对他唠叨不停。

10.The bird pecked through the thin board at the bottom of its cage.那只鸟啄穿了笼子下的薄底板。