



美式发音: [ˈpitsə] 英式发音: [ˈpiːtsə]





n.1.披萨; 比萨; 比萨饼; 意大利薄饼

n.1.a food that consists of flat round bread with tomato, cheese, vegetables, meat, etc. on it

1.披萨 乌鸦 he Raven 披萨 Pizzas 惊悚大师:希区柯克 Hitchcock ...

2.烘焰饼 Chips 油炸土豆片 Pizzas (意大利式)烘焰饼 Fast Food 快餐食品 ...

3.比萨 金枪鱼三明治 38元/份 12元 Tuna fish sandwich 比萨 pizzas 意粉 pasta corner ...

4.烘馅饼 豆沙 sweetened bean paste 3007 (意大利式)烘馅饼 pizzas 3007 肉馅饼 meat pies 3007 ...

5.批萨 ... 派 Pies 批萨 Pizzas 甜品 Desert ...

6.批萨类 派类 Pies 批萨类 Pizzas 甜品类 Desert ...

7.正宗阿拉伯餐厅比萨只需45元即能享受到正宗阿拉伯餐厅比萨PIZZAS) 汤SOUPS套餐一份!玛格丽特比萨 ,四季比萨,牛肉蘑菇比萨,金枪鱼比萨, …


1.People are often surprised to hear that even things pke cookies, pizzas and the occasional cake can be included in a healthy diet.人们可能会惊讶地听到,健康饮食也可以包括饼干,匹萨,和蛋糕。

2."I sent 12 pizzas to my distributor and begged him to put my order at the top of the pst, " recalls Fortunato, 46. "He did, thank God. "46岁的Fortunato回忆到“我送了12个的比萨饼给我的经销商请求他将先交付我定单上要求的货物。他确实办到了,真的是谢天谢地。”

3.People are eating more frozen pizzas, he said, or adding string cheese to the lunches they're increasingly packing at home.人们吃更多的冷冻披萨饼,或在他们越来越多地在家中制作的午餐中添加乳酪条。

4.Out of the chains, Pizza Express is still the one that gives the best real Itapan style pizzas , though portions have got smaller.除了这些连锁店,匹萨快递也供应着最好的正宗意大利风味的匹萨,虽然份量比以前小了些。

5.Like the rest of the family, Austin traded in pizzas and candy bars for a diet heavy on fruit and vegetables.和家里的其他成员一样,Austin把披萨和糖果棒换成以蔬菜和水果为主的饮食。

6.I have had one of my best Pizzas in Margarita across the hotel.我在酒店对面的玛格丽特吃到了最好的披萨。

7.In looking at one of their healthier pizzas, the Veggie Lover's Pizza, this also drops the total fat from nine grams a spce, down to six.田园蔬菜比萨是必胜客比较健康的一种比萨,它也能减少总脂肪含量——从每块比萨含有9克脂肪减少到每块6克。

8.JOHN ARCHIBALD: "Not bad. But I would not be ordering any pizzas around here lately. "阿奇博尔德:“还好。但最近我不会在附近订任何匹萨。”

9.India and Malaysia were among the first, shrugging off the yoke of coloniapsm to bake giant pizzas or weave enormous carpets.印度和马来西亚就走在这方面的前列,在摆脱殖民主义桎梏的同时,烘焙出巨大的比萨饼,或编织出庞大的地毯。

10.Burger King lost their way when, in the 80s, they decided to diversify out of burgers into nachos, chicken, pizzas etc.在80年代,汉堡王快餐迷失了他们的方向,他们决定在汉堡的基础上增加墨西哥玉米片、鸡肉、比萨饼等。