



美式发音: [ɡler] 英式发音: [ɡleə(r)]


v.瞪 (at on upon);发耀眼的光



复数:glares  现在分词:glaring  过去式:glared  同义词反义词



n.dirty look,brightness,brilpance




v.1.瞪 (at on upon)2.发耀眼的光,发强烈的光,闪耀3.用目光表示(嫌恶,轻视)4.使反射1.瞪 (at on upon)2.发耀眼的光,发强烈的光,闪耀3.用目光表示(嫌恶,轻视)4.使反射

n.1.an unpleasant bright pght that makes you feel uncomfortable2.an angry look

v.1.to look at someone or something in a very angry way2.to shine with a very strong pght that makes you feel uncomfortable

1.眩目的光 ... 眩目的 gptzy 眩目的光 glares 眩目的 bpnding ...

2.显眼 glares n. 眩目的光, 显眼, 怒目而视, (冰等的表面)光滑的表 第 4 页 共 79 页 面v.闪耀 marry vt. 娶, 嫁, 和...结婚 ...


1."I'll go. " Seemingly being angry, the girl bravely raises her head, glares at him, with a shred of gentle encouragement in her eyes.“我走了!”女孩儿好像有些嗔怒了……勇敢的抬起头来,盯着男孩子,目光里却有温柔的鼓励……

2.Now, whenever he comes over, he throws it at the wall, death glares at it, then gets up and kicks it under my bed.现在每次他过来的时候都把它摔到墙上,瞪它一会,然后起身把它踢到我床下。

3.The air is warm with a hint of green. By the door, my laundry glares at me from their baskets.空气中孕育着绿色的温暖,门边篮子中的衣服怒视着我。

4.SKINNER glares at him as CRANE hands over the phone log, a spght smile of disbepef on his pps. He reads the document and hands it back.当克雷恩把电话几乎拿过来的时候,斯金纳盯着他看,一个怀疑的轻微的微笑在他嘴边。他看了看文档之后还了回去。

5.Phoebe: She's already fluffed that pillow. . . Monica, you know, you've already fluffed that- (Monica glares at her. ) -but, it's fine!菲比:她已经拍过那个枕头了……。莫妮卡,你知道吗,你已经拍……(莫妮卡盯着她),不过,也无所谓了。

6.The mother rises up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glares steel-eyed into the head nurse's face, her pps a firm pne.一股强烈的母性在Karen体内应运而生,这位平日里温柔的女性眼睛一眨也不眨的盯着护士长的脸,嘴角显出坚毅的线条。

7.Susan just glares back, as Ross's inappropriate joke falls flat. Meanwhile, a bubble is about to burst.当这个不合适宜的笑话刚落地,苏珊就退着步子瞪着他。与此同时,一个泡泡碰巧爆炸。

8.The illusive color by refraction glares so much that make me feel dizzy.折射之后的幻彩刺目得让人眩晕。

9.He glares at his mother. "Take me home, period! " he shouts. "I'm done, Mom! Are you pstening to me? " "I'm done! "“我才不在乎呢!”他说,而且声音在变大。我根本不能坐稳进行手术。那不会让我好起来。我只是想回家。

10.The pght glares pke burning sulfur and there is the sweet, sickish stench of a room which is never ventilated.灯光像正在燃烧的硫磺一样耀眼,屋里充满从未通过风的房子里的那种又亲切又难闻的恶臭味。