

work around

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第三人称单数:works around  现在分词:working around  过去式:worked around  


na.1.to deal successfully with a person or problem that might prevent you from achieving your aim

1.变通的方法 ... Taiwan High Speed Rail Taipei Station( 台湾高铁台北站) work-around( 变通的方法) funeral ceremony( 告别式) ...

2.应急措施 Waterpne 底线 Work-around 应急措施 Workloads 工作量 ...

3.临时措施案 18、下列哪项是错误控制的基本任务? A、确定临时措施work-around)的细节 B、通过变更管理过程解决已知错误 C、 …


5.做法 设备优选, 未记录的检查规格, “经验”, 变通做法(work-around)等.

6.办法临时解决办法 (Work-Around) 尽快避开某突发事件或问题的解决方法 事件管理的好处 - 减小突发事件对业务的影响 - 最优化资 …

7.作业最后设计问题将会引起失败, 甚至最佳的周边作业work-around) 亦无法隐藏。 经常产生设计失败的因素是对预防失败缺乏 …


1.This was the case with Smart; her mother had met Mitchell on a Salt Lake City street, and had asked him to do work around their house.伊丽莎白这个案件正是如此,她妈妈在盐湖城的大街上遇见布莱恩,并且请他帮她的房子做些修善工作。

2.The table contains recommendations that you can use to possibly resolve or to possibly work around the issue.表包含,可用到可能解决可能解决问题或建议。

3.You wouldn't have to without all the hype about "porting" to "new architectures, " but there it is; at least it's easy to work around.但您并不能变得在“移植”到“新体系架构”时不遇到任何困难,不过至少可以将工作简化一些。

4.The work-around is quite simple; just give it a data-context that is only used at design time.解决方法很简单:设定一个只在设计期使用的数据上下文即可。

5.He notes that Windows Mobile devices have some restrictions around memory use and that's what his team is now trying to work around.WindowsMobile系统手机对内存使用有一些限制,这是他们小组正在努力解决的问题。

6.One work-around for this is to break up the tests into a must-pass project and a provisional project.变通方式,是把测试拆分成必须通过(must-pass)的项目和临时项目。

7.Trying to work around a constitution that no longer exists is not a good idea.继续围绕着一部已经失效的宪法做文章并不是个好主意。

8.Depending on the details, you may be able to achieve at least some of your overall goals or find some other way to work around the problem.根据具体情况,至少可以实现部分总体目标,或者找到解决问题的方法。

9.Fortunately, a bit of discippne can work around these problems and even improve your uptime in the physical data center!幸运的是,有一些规则能够解决这些问题,甚至改善您在物理数据中心的运行时间!

10."When both parents are working there is no reason why children should not earn money by doing work around the house, " she said.“儿童储蓄网”创办人斯彭金博士也认为:“当父母双方都在上班,孩子完全应该做家务来赚零花钱。”