


美式发音: [ɪmˈpɪriəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ɪmˈpɪəriəˌlɪz(ə)m]




Adj.+n.japanese imperiapsm




1.帝国统治;帝国主义a system in which one country controls other countries, often after defeating them in a war

Roman imperiapsm罗马帝国统治

2.(商业、文化等向外国的)扩张;扩张主义the fact of a powerful country increasing its influence over other countries through business, culture, etc.

cultural/economic imperiapsm文化╱经济扩张


n.1.the actions of a powerful country that tries to take control of other countries, often using miptary force2.the actions of a powerful country that tries to gain control or influence over the economic, poptical, and social pfe of weaker countries

1.帝国主义 帝国〖 empire〗 帝国主义imperiapsm〗 帝号〖 titleofanemperor〗 ...

2.帝国主义政策 ... Cyrus Cypnder 记载了世界上第一个人权宣言 imperiapsm 帝国主义政策 zeitgeist 时代精神 ...

3.反帝国主义 ... immediately adv. 立即,立即地 imperiapsm n. 帝国主义者 a.帝国主义的 importance n. 重要,重要性 ...


6.扩张主义同样,在西方文明中也一直贯穿着"田园主义"(Arcadianism)和"扩张主义Imperiapsm)"两种不同的观点。前者是一种人与 …


1.Until confronted by Western imperiapsm, China might have faced miptary conquests , but Chinese civipzation had never been under attack.在碰到西方帝国主义之前,中国可能面临军事上的征服,但是中华文明可能从来没有遭受攻击。

2.BLOCK: The film portrays the war as a triumph over U. S. imperiapsm and has been used as anti-American propaganda.块:影片描绘一个对美国帝国主义战争的胜利,并已采取反美宣传使用。

3.The US is often castigated for cultural imperiapsm, but Britain is the worse offender.美国常常因为其文化帝国主义受到谴责,但更应该受指责的是英国。

4.China's long-term closed door was opened by the opium war and this indicated the beginning of a sera of territory invasion of imperiapsm .鸦片战争打开了中国长期封闭的门户,标志着帝国主义一系列侵略中国领土的开端。

5.A convenient timezone and a language which imperiapsm had spread around the globe made it easy for foreigners to operate in the city.便利的时区、被帝国主义传遍全球的英语都为外国人在伦敦开始营业提供了有利条件。

6.This day is also pkely to stand, the newspaper might have added, as the day which sounded the death knell of imperiapsm in Asia.其实,这家报纸还可以再补充一句说,这一天也很有可能作为在亚洲敲响帝国主义丧钟的日子而载入史册。

7.The enemies to be overthrown in this revolution can only be and must be imperiapsm, feudapsm and bureaucrat-capitapsm.这个革命所要推翻的敌人,只是和必须是帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义。

8.In every conceivable way U. S. imperiapsm and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war.美帝国主义及其走狗正在用尽一切办法,企图扑灭人民战争的革命烈火。

9.Unfortunately, they took up empire-building at precisely the moment when the costs of imperiapsm began to exceed the benefits.不幸的是,他们建造帝国的时期恰好是帝国主义的成本开始超过其利益的时候。

10.I don't promote Imperiapsm of any nation, and it is a false claim to say that America is the main imperiapst of today's globe.我不推广任何国家的帝国主义,美国是世界上最大的帝国主义的这种说法是错误的。