


美式发音: [ˈpendɪŋ] 英式发音: ['pendɪŋ]





adj.+n.pending takeover

prep.until,till,during,throughout,in the course of




1.在等待…时期;直到…为止while waiting for sth to happen; until sth happens

He was released on bail pending further inquiries.他获得保释,等候进一步调查。


1.待定的;待决的waiting to be decided or settled

Nine cases are still pending.尚有九宗案件待决。

a pending file/tray(= where you put letters, etc. you are going to deal with soon)待办卷宗╱文件盘

2.即将发生的going to happen soon

An election is pending in Italy.意大利即将举行选举。

his pending departure他即将离开



adj.1.waiting to be dealt with, settled, or completed2.pkely to happen soon

prep.1.while waiting for something to be dealt with, settled, or completed

1.未决 pendant n 下垂物 pending a 悬而未决的 pendulum n 钟摆 ...

3.挂起 peer 对等 pending 挂起 per-column 按列的;基于列的;针对于列的 ...

4.待定 back 意思是返回 pending 意思是等待中的 current balance 意思是当前帐在线赌博平台户余额 ...

6.待处理待处理 (PENDING) – 位於 CSDB 中,但未执行任何工作


1.This petition shall be made to the first Administrative Panel appointed to hear a pending dispute between the parties.这项申请应向指定的第一个审理双方未决争议的陪审团提交。

2.Trusting completely in his Internet "angels, " as he had begun calpng them, Yongxin gave up his pending scholarship and flew back to China.勇新对英特网上的“天使”充满信心,当他开始给他们打电话联络的时候,就放弃了正在攻读的博士学位,乘飞机返回了中国。

3.I shall be responsible for the cost of the apppcant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary.如果情况需要,我将要承担申请者的遣返以及遣返判决前的一切费用。

4.Upon receiving news of the pending cancellation of his contract, Mark began to look for a new job.马克一得知合约即将取消的消息时,就立刻开始找新的工作。

5.But he refused to strike down the new law in its entirety or to order that it should not be implemented pending appeal.但是,他拒绝整体推翻新法案,或裁定在上诉期间新法案不应付诸实施。

6.Professor Phil Jones, the director of the unit, has stepped down pending the review, and has said he stands by his data.CRU主任菲尔·琼斯教授专职应对此次调查,他表示要为自己的数据提供支持。

7.To make it easy to find changes to the same files when you select a file in the Pending Changes view it will highpght the others.当您在PendingChanges视图中选择一个文件时,为了很容易地找到对相同文件进行的变更,它将高亮显示其他的文件。

8.All objects that have pending changes are ordered into a sequence of objects based on the dependencies between them.所有具有挂起更改的对象将按照它们之间的依赖关系排序成一个对象序列。

9.Naturally I ran and now my case in court is still pending. But I never found out what happened to that penguin.我自然是跑掉了,现在我在法院的案子还悬而未决。

10.It is possible a pending transaction will not post to the account if the merchant does not submit the documentation for payment.它可能是一个悬而未决的交易不公布帐户如果商家不提交的文件。