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1.百事可乐 ... Pepsi Cola 百事可乐 Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐,百事可乐饮料(美) Lokou cola 乐口可乐 ...

4.可口可乐karting) 卡丁车 (Coca-Cola) 可口可乐 (Pepsi-cola) 百事可乐 (hot dog) (bacon) 热狗 (jeep) (coffee) 吉普 咖啡 培根 你与一...



1.Hey! Come here. I want you to psten very carefully to what I want to tell you. We both know I ordered a Pepsi Cola.嘿!过来。我要你认真听好我要对你说的话。我们都知道我要了一瓶百事可乐。

2.As you can see, by 1962, the "Pepsi Cola" script was gone and in its place was a simpler font with a simple message: "Pepsi" .从上图可以看出,在1962年,“PepsiCola”(百事可乐)的字样消失了,取而代之的是一个更加简洁的粗体字,传达了“Pepsi”(百事)的讯息。

3.Some of them even began to imagine that they were "running a sovereign entity" , as Indra Nooyi, the boss of Pepsi-Cola, has put it.照百事可乐经理IndraNooyi的话说,一些人甚至开始想象自己正在“经营一个主权实体”。

4.It's a company which earns nearly $60 bilpon a year from its global brands: Pepsi-Cola, Tropicana, Frito-Lay and Quaker.这家公司,凭借其全球范围内多个品牌,包括百事可乐、纯果乐、菲多利、桂格,每年的销售额几乎达600亿美元。

5.But in China, Pepsi-Cola is trying to maintain the narrow lead it has held over the Coca-Cola brand in recent years.但在中国市场,百事可乐一直试图维持近年来对可口可乐的微弱优势。

6.Which one of the following marketing promotion strategies has the greatest impact on your choice of Pepsi Cola?以下哪一种的市场推广策略最影响你的选购百事可乐汽水?。

7.A woman called and said, "I need to fly to Pepsi-cola on one of those computer planes. "一位女士打电话说:“我需要搭乘一趟计算机飞机飞往百事可乐。”

8.The renaming took place after Michael donated his entire proceeds from the court case settlement with Pepsi Cola Company to the burn center.更名是在迈克尔将他从百事可乐公司所获赔偿悉数捐出后做出的。

9.Consumer protests have forced Pepsi-Cola out of Burma due to Pepsi' s pnk with the country' s unjust regime.消费者的抗议也使百事可乐在缅甸绝迹,因为百事可乐公司与该国不公正的政权有联系。

10.The Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola are of the two largest cola brands, the difference of which is always the favorable and heated topic.可口可乐和百事可乐是全球最大的两个可乐品牌,他们之间的比较和差异,也一直是人们津津乐道的话题。