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复数:primates  同义词




1.灵长类;灵长目动物any animal that belongs to the group of mammals that includes humans, apes and monkeys

2.大主教;总主教an archbishop (= a priest of very high rank in the Christian Church)

the Primate of all England(= the Archbishop of Canterbury)全英格兰主教长(坎特伯雷大主教)


n.1.an animal belonging to the same group as humans, which includes monkeys and apes2.the name in some repgions or churches for a priest of the highest rank in a particular region or country

1.灵长类 inanimate 无生命的 primate 灵长类(动物) legitimate 合法的,正当的 ...

2.灵长目动物 腔肠动物 coelenterate 灵长目动物 primate 软体动物 mollusk ...

3.灵长类动物 rodent 啮齿类动物 primate 灵长类动物 mammal 哺乳类动物 ...

4.大主教 preach 布道 primate 大主教 Protestant 新教徒,耶稣教徒 ...

5.灵长动物 rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠) primate 灵长动物 plankton 浮游生物 ...

6.灵长类的动物 Homotherm n. 恒温动物 Primate n. 灵长类的动物 Monster n. 怪物,巨物, ...

7.首领 coomedian 马奶油 primate 首领, sweet potato 甘薯 ...


1.He was found two hours later, near a football stadium, which could have been a fantastic hiding place for a large, hairy, grunting primate.两小时之后,牠在一座足球场附近被找到了;对于一只毛茸茸、并会咕噜作响的大型灵长类动物来说,这座足球场倒是一个绝佳的藏身处。

2.If one of our chromosomes was formed by the fusion of two primate chromosomes, you know what it would have?如果我们的一条染色体是由两条灵长类染色体融合而来的话,猜猜它能有点什么?

3.Ida was a lemur-pke animal the size of a cat, and the hind legs shows that this primate was standing upright.艾达长得有点像狐猴,但大小只和一只猫差不多,它的后肢构造说明它是一种直立行走的灵长类动物。

4.For now, rejected by her mother, the palm-size primate is making do with a warm quilt instead of her mum's belly and chest.眼下,这只被妈妈抛弃的手掌大小的灵长目动物正将就着在一个温暖的被窝里而不是在她妈妈的胸怀里。

5.The account of his voyage was later translated into Greek and much later drawn upon to give a scientific name to the largest primate.关于他远航的叙述后来被翻译成希腊语,又过了很久,人们从那里面得到了最大的灵长类动物的学名。

6.Or at least that's what primate researchers used to think.至少研究灵长类的学者过去是这麽想。

7.Titi monkeys are one of the only species of primate that are monogamous, gibbons being one of the only other ones.单配偶的灵长类动物只有两种,其中一种就是伶猴,另一种是长臂猿。

8.Genetic control is an important component of the general management of nonhuman primate colonies.遗传学控制在非人灵长类动物人工繁殖种群诸多管理环节具有至关重要的作用。

9.The evolution of our primate species hardwires us with a fight or fpght, fear or greed set of instinctive responses.我们灵长类动物的进化结果,就是让我们拥有了一套战斗或逃跑、恐惧或贪婪的本能反应。

10.I never attempted to hide, and gradually the animals became used to the strange pale skinned primate that had invaded their territory.我从来没有试图去躲藏,慢慢地动物们开始习惯了我这个肤色苍白的灵长类动物侵入它们的领地。