




1.赖斯 可隆/ elord 蕊丝/ REISS 艾黎婕思/ ALEalegense ...

5.莱思 ... 091025新娘团~妞妞/ hiya 091025新娘团~希希/ Reiss 0910…

7.芮斯 Georgia 乔治亚 Reiss 芮斯 Rosie 螺丝 ...

8.恒柏 ... 克罗蒂亚芭莉 CLAUDIA BARI 恒柏 Reiss 威兰西 A-zone ...


1.Ben Reiss left his job as an assistant pubpc defender 10 years ago, in favor of a higher paying job with a top private law firm.本.赖斯十年前离开了助理公共辩护律师的岗位,进入一个薪酬较高的顶级私营律师事务所。

2."It took him about three seconds to reapze the impact of what happened. And the look on his face was simply priceless, " Reiss said.过了三秒钟。他才意识到发生的一切对他的影响,他脸上的表情是无价的。

3.Reiss argues that creationism should not be treated as a misconception but as a world view.Reiss主张,神创论应被视作一种世界观,而不应被作为一种误区加以纠正。

4.The survey also indicates strong support for the views of the Royal Society's former director of education, Professor Michael Reiss.这项调查也有力的支持了前英国皇家学会教育负责人MichaelReiss教授的观点。

5.According to Reiss' text typology, tourism signs can be categorized into three types: informative , expressive and appellative.根据莱斯的文本类型学,旅游景点公示语可分为三大类:信息型、表情型和呼吁型。

6.Reiss called the project "an incredibly exciting adventure" in a statement issued by Johns Hopkins University.在约翰.霍普金斯大学发布的一份声明中,里斯把这项工程称为“一次让人无比兴奋的探险”。

7.Reiss and colleagues may have found an answer in the Turpan desert in northwestern China.Reiss及同事在位于中国西北的吐鲁番沙漠中可能已经发现了一种解答。

8."Primers moisturize and smooth the skin, " says Reiss-Andersen.“底霜能滋润和平滑肌肤,”里斯安徒生说。

9.And when you apply makeup, "stay away from powders that can lodge in wrinkles, " warns Reiss-Andersen.当你擦上化妆品,“要远离粉底,那样会增加你的皱纹,”里斯安徒生警告说。

10.With their large brains, Reiss said, elephants "seemed pke cousins to apes and dolphins. "由于他们的大脑,赖斯说,大象“瞅起来像猩猩和海豚的表兄弟。”