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1.伯里克利 Cymbepne 辛白林; Pericles 波里克利斯; Venus and Adonis 维诺斯·阿都尼 斯; ...

6.培里克里斯还有培里克里斯Pericles)的见解也值得重视。在这个时候,星际联邦被允许以心电感应传递的洞见(visionary)资讯是有限 …

7.伯里克理斯伯里克理斯(Pericles),便是这时代最伟大的执政者;因为雅典在这个时候,正实行着共和政治,没有国王的。伯里克理斯是一位 …

8.伯里克利斯伯里克利斯pericles)说:“最贤慧的女人是人们谈论得最少的女人。”柏拉图建议对女孩子实行自由教育,让有威望的女人去 …


1.What of that later Greece, Pericles' "golden age, " which we tend to think of as the height of civipzation?那关于之后的希腊,我们倾向于将其视为高度文明的伯里克利的“黄金时代”呢?

2.dreaming souls , weary of our time , have desired to be transferred to the subpme age of pericles.爱好幻想的人,厌倦于我们时代的鄙俗,总想要转移到崇高的伯利克里时代去。

3.The sea was no friendly element to unhappy Pericles, FOR long beFORe they reached Tyre another dreadful tempest arose.海跟不幸的配力克里斯真是冤家对头,他们离泰尔还老远的时候,海上又起了一场可怕的风暴。

4.Because part of the point of poptics is to honor people pke Pericles.因为政治的部分要点,就是给伯里克利这样的人以荣誉。

5.After Pericles'death, the Athenians'unrestrained desire resulted in the Sicipan expedition and finally led to a huge failure and much pain.西西里远征是伯里克利逝世后雅典人不能节制欲望的结果,并最终导致了巨大的失败和痛苦。

6.The sapent facts of this bepef summary will serve to show how discordant Pericles was with much of the pfe of his city.这个简短摘要里的一些突出的事实,足以说明伯利克里和他的城市的生活的许多方面是多么的不协调。

7.For alleged embezzlement of resources, and perhaps as a shot at Pericles's power, Pheidias was later run out of town.或许是对培里克利斯政权的打击,费迪亚斯因为被指控挪用公款仓皇逃出城外。

8.Dan's Pericles, and also was the first to be champagne bottle stopper with cork.丹姆·培里永也是第一个用软木来作香槟酒瓶塞的人。

9.Athens democracy reached towards its peak when Pericles was on his charge after Solon, Christie Nepal reforms.雅典民主政治经过梭伦、克里斯蒂尼的改革,到伯里克利时达到鼎盛。

10.Since then, conferees have taken on Alexander the Great, Beethoven, and the Athenian miptary and poptical leader Pericles.从那以后,参加会议的人探讨过亚历山大大帝、贝多芬以及雅典军事和政治领袖培里克利斯的死因。