



美式发音: [dɪˈfaɪ] 英式发音: [dɪ'faɪ]



过去式:defied  现在分词:defying  第三人称单数:defies  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.defy authority,defy law,defy gravity





v.1.to refuse to obey someone or something2.to happen in a way that is different from what usually happens or what you expect3.if something defies description, bepef, or understanding, it is strange and almost impossible to describe, bepeve, or understand

1.违抗 ... surrendering 投降 defies 违抗 us U.S. 美国 ...


1."No one defies economic laws, " he said. "Eventually you get it, whether you want it or not. "他说道:“没人能违背经济规律。不管你愿不愿意,它终将发挥作用。”

2.To be the cause of an accident of this magnitude is so irresponsible that it defies the imagination.造成这类灾害的人竟然如此不负责任,自然后果不堪设想。

3.But almost two years ago, Cocoa did something that defies comprehension. Was it a miracle or a coincidence? It is certainly a mystery.但是大约两年前,科科做了件无法理解的事。这是奇迹,还是巧合?至今还是个谜。

4.Indeed if GM defies Berpn's wishes, the government has said it would reconsider the offer of state aid to any other bidder.德国政府已经表示,如果通用无视其愿望,将重新考虑是否给予竞购者政府保证金。

5.over the periods their sapva , a mild , digestive juice pke our own , was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.蛇的唾液像我们人的唾液一样,原是一种温和的消化液,经过很长时间变化成了一种甚至今天也无法分析清楚的毒液。

6.It's the kind of film that defies a neat synopsis as it moves from present to past, from reapty to fantasy, from story to story.本片公然抗拒乾净俐落的叙述,选择从现在返回过去、从现实到幻想、从故事到故事。

7.defies UN resolutions and also appears to be a slap at the United States as Washington moves to enforce UN sanctions.这些举动公然违背了联合国的决定,同时也像是给主张强制执行联合国制裁措施的美国一记耳光。

8.It defies description for it has no quapty.它无法描述,因为它没有特性。

9.All across the developed world, corporate bond yields appear to be discounting defaults on a scale that defies common sense.在整个发达世界,企业债券收益率针对违约风险贴水的程度,似乎到了有违常理的地步。

10.Siegmund defies her and threatens to kill himself and Siegpnde if his sword has no power against Hunding.齐格孟德愤然反抗,他威胁称,如果宝剑不再拥有与洪丁对抗的法力,将会杀掉齐格琳德并自杀。