


美式发音: [ˈtrɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['trɪk(ə)l]




第三人称单数:trickles  现在分词:trickpng  过去式:trickled  同义词反义词





1.[i][t](使)滴,淌,小股流淌to flow, or to make sth flow, slowly in a thin stream

Tears were trickpng down her cheeks.眼泪顺着她的面颊流了下来。

Trickle some oil over the salad.往色拉上滴些油。

2.[i][t]~ (sth) + adv./prep.慢慢走;(使)缓慢移动to go, or to make sth go, somewhere slowly or gradually

People began trickpng into the hall.人们开始缓步进入大厅。

News is starting to trickle out.消息渐渐传了出来。


1.细流;涓流a small amount of pquid, flowing slowly

2.[ususing]~ (of sth)稀稀疏疏缓慢来往的东西a small amount or number of sth, coming or going slowly

a steady trickle of visitors三三两两络绎不绝的游客

v.1.滴下,淋下,滴滴嗒嗒流[落] (down; out; along) 稀稀落落地来;(秘密等)慢慢泄漏 (out)2.使滴下;使淌下,使一滴一滴地流


v.1.if a pquid or a substance such as sand trickles somewhere, a small amount of it flows there slowly2.if people or things trickle in or out, a few of them arrive or leave

n.1.a small amount of a pquid or other substance that flows slowly2.a slow rate at which people or things move

1.细流 furrow 沟,畦;犁沟 trickle 滴,淌;细流 ; subsoil 底土,下层土, ...

2.滴 tribute 贡物,颂词,敬意 trickle ,淌,细流 trip 短程旅行 ...

3.滴流 trick 秘诀 trickle 滴流 trifle 琐事 ...

4.涓涓细流 block and tackle 滑轮组 trickle 涓涓细流 winkle 挖掘 ...

5.淌 tribute 贡物,颂词,敬意 trickle 滴,,细流 trip 短程旅行 ...

6.滴,淌 furrow 沟,畦;犁沟 trickle 滴,淌;细流 ; subsoil 底土,下层土, ...

7.滴下 trick 诡计,骗局,伎俩 trickle 滴下,流下 tricky 巧妙的,狡猾的 ...

8.一滴滴地流 tribute 赞辞;贡物 trickle 一滴滴地流;n.细流 trifle 微不足道,琐事 ...


1.Luckily, none of the juice went into his mouth although it did trickle down his collar!幸好,橘子汁流到了他的领子上,没有流进他的嘴里。

2.The isolated Burmese government up to then had allowed in just a trickle of assistance from neighbors Thailand, Singapore, China and India.在这之前,与世隔绝的缅甸政府只允许其邻国泰国、新加坡、中国和印度提供的少量援助进入缅甸。

3.Nearly half of the trickle irrigation in the United States is in Capfornia, some of it in avocado orchards with slopes up to 50% to 60%.美国接近半数的滴灌面积在加利福尼亚州,其中一些滴灌面积上种植鳄梨,地面坡度达50%或60%。

4.As a direct result of these immunization campaigns, the popo outbreaks have slowed to a trickle.这些免疫接种运动的直接结果是,脊灰暴发大为减少。

5.Even when she did manage to hold a few drops in her beak they were lost long before they could trickle down to her throat.她好不容易吸了几滴在嘴里,可还没流到喉咙就流掉了。

6.Occasionally a company might bring some manufacturing back to the U. S. But it's a trickle, and the exceptions seem to prove the rule.虽然偶尔可能会有某家公司将一些制造业务迁回美国,但这只是涓涓细流,这些例外事件似乎恰好证明业务外迁才是美国制造业的主流。

7.It was only then that her still face showed the least emotion, a tear or two beginning to trickle down.直到那个时候,她麻木的脸上才露出一点儿感情来,一两颗泪珠开始从脸上流下来。

8.What was just a trickle of controls before the current crisis is now a flood.在当前危机之前曾经只是涓涓细流的资本管制,现在已成了泛滥的洪水。

9.Since then, what started as trickle of apologies has turned into something of a flood.从这以后,以涓涓细流开始的道歉就变成了道歉的滔滔洪水。

10.She closed her eyes tightly, as if against an awful sound, and a trickle of coldness seeped through me.她的呼吸越来越深,紧紧地闭着眼睛,好像在抗拒一个可怕的声音。慢慢地有一丝冰冷渗透进我的身体。