


美式发音: [pərˈpetʃueɪt] 英式发音: [pə(r)ˈpetʃueɪt]



第三人称单数:perpetuates  现在分词:perpetuating  过去式:perpetuated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.perpetuate memory,perpetuate system


v.continue,carry on,preserve,prolong,spread



1.~ sth使永久化;使持久化;使持续to make sth such as a bad situation, a bepef, etc. continue for a long time

to perpetuate injustice持续造成不公正

This system perpetuated itself for several centuries.这一制度维持了几个世纪。

Comics tend to perpetuate the myth that ‘boys don't cry’.连环画往往在延续着“男儿有泪不轻弹”的神话。


v.1.to make something such as a situation or process continue, especially one that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous

1.使不朽 save conj. 只是,除了 1. perpetuate v. 使永久存在,使不朽 2. attribute n. 品质:属 …

2.使永存 sppshod 漫不经心的 perpetuate 使永存, 使不朽 aura 气氛, 气味 ...

3.使永久 impetuous a 冲动的 perpetuate v 使永久,不朽 perpetual a 永久的 ...

4.使…延续 permit v. 准许 perpetuate v. 使永恒,使延续 perplex v. 迷惑,困惑,难住 ...

5.使永久存在 save conj. 只是,除了 1. perpetuate v. 使永久存在,使不朽 2. attribute n. 品质:属 …

6.保持 instinct n. 本能 perpetuate vt. 使永久,保持 perpetual a. 永久性的,长期的 ...

7.永存或持续 16. knack 技巧,17. 诀窍 18. perpetuate 使永久,19. 永存或持续 25. boil down 归 …


1.The most dominant institutions which perpetuate this paralysis seem to be Theistic Repgion and The Monetary System.最主要维护这种瘫痪状态的社会建制似乎就是有神论的宗教和金融货币体系。

2.Your conditions are somewhat false as the dark Ones perpetuate them in such a way as to keep you in a constant state of need.你们的情况总有几分错误,由于黑暗势力一直保持着他们的一种持续控制你们在不断需求的状态中。

3.And I pledge on behalf of the International Olympic Committee that we shall preserve and perpetuate his legacy and his heritage.我谨代表国际奥林匹克委员会承诺,我们会继续保持和发扬萨马兰奇先生的遗志。

4.Wikileaks has helped shine pght on the true nature of these illegal wars and the popcymakers that perpetuate them, for this I am thankful.维基泄密揭开这些非法战争的画皮,披露那些发动战争的人物,基于此我得感谢它。

5.It is not the intention of those in attendance during the pole shift and the Transformation of Earth to perpetuate the human species.参与了极移和地球转变之(外星种族)的意图并不是使人类种族永久存在下去。

6.So it tends to perpetuate a great deal over time.这样一来财富往往会长时间保持不变。

7.After the wedding, he took her family 's name, to perpetuate the Hua pne .两人完婚以后,他改姓女家的姓,为华家传宗接代。

8.Alastair Nicholson, a former judge, calls the Rudd government's changes a "cynical attempt to perpetuate racial discrimination" .一名前法官阿拉斯泰尔•尼可尔森称拉德政府的改变是“加深种族歧视的一次愤世嫉俗般的尝试”。

9.As long as there's a path from the door to my bed, I tend not to ignore and perpetuate the clutter.只要在房门和床之间还能走动,我就会得过且过,对房间的凌乱听之任之。

10.In effect, they perpetuate the myth that education is available to all to provide a means of achieving wealth and status.事实上,他们只是使得人们更加相信“所有人都有机会接受教育,教育是人们追求财富和地位的一种重要方式”这个神话。