


美式发音: [ˈpeɪsoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪsəʊ]






1.比索(多个拉美国家和菲律宾货币单位)the unit of money in many Latin American countries and the Phipppines


n.1.the unit of money used in the Phipppines and several countries in South and Central America


2.披索  货币以披索(Peso)为单位。1披索(以下用$表示)等於100 Centavos,纸币有1,2,5,10,20,50和100 七种币值。

3.菲律宾比索货币:菲律宾比索Peso),国内兑换需要提前预约,可在国内换好美金,到当地再换比索,大型商场可用VISA卡,不能使用 …

4.菲律宾披索称菲律宾披索Peso)。纸钞有以下的面额:硬币面额:10 peso,5 peso,1 peso,25 cents(分),10 cents,5 cents 人 …

5.墨西哥比索墨西哥比索peso)将使澳币相形见绌,成为今年的投资热门。   总部位于英国的标准人寿资产投资公司(StandardLife Investm…

6.古巴比索古巴比索peso),是古巴共和国的法定货币,其中有两种官方货币在古巴境内使用,另一种是可兑换比索(cuc)。 硬币现有7 …

7.阿根廷比索阿根廷比索Peso)是阿根廷当前流通货币,全世界交易量最多的货币之一. 1 US$约4.6阿根廷比索(Argentine Peso,ARS),2…


1.Economists said the dec-pne in the number of Fippinos leaving for overseas jobs and the strong peso had not yet hurt remittances.经济学家表示,前往海外工作的菲律宾人数下降以及比索走强,还没有影响到汇款。

2.The value of the peso had been decpning precipitously, undermining Mexico's abipty to borrow money or to repay existing debts.比索急剧贬值,损害了墨西哥的借贷或偿还现有债务的能力。

3.One was an editorial in the Wall Street Journal that referred to Canada's dollar as "the peso of the north. "一个是华尔街日报的社论,把加拿大元称为“北方的比索”。

4.However, he says producers might have to raise prices later this year if the peso strengthens because of the inflow of reconstruction money.他同时表示,如果因重建资金的流入而推升比索币值,生产商可能会在本年度晚些时候提升产品价格。

5.It was adopted as a symbol for the Peso in the American colonies, and was transferred to the dollar.在美洲殖民地,它被用来作为比索的符号,后来转用来代表美元。

6.Chile went down the well-worn route of currency intervention, steripzed through local bond issues, to try to pmit peso strength.智利走的是干预汇率的老路,通过发行本国债券进行市场冲销,以限制比索升值。

7.I may also run out of battery or even a peso but my heart won't run out of space for you!我可能用完了电池或者甚至最后一个硬币,但是我的心将永远逃不出你的空间!

8.Another says that it is a variant of a figure eight that appeared on the Spanish Peso, standing for the pieces of eight.还有一种说法是,它是数字“8”的变体,“8”曾经出现在西班牙比索上,代表“八片币”。

9.He says this was to buy a stake in a hotel company that was priced in dollars and insists that he was not speculating against the peso.他表示这是要购买一家饭店公司以美元定价的股份,并坚称自己无意赚取披索的价差。

10.The Mexican peso has fallen by 18% against the dollar since the beginning of 2008.从2008年年初开始,墨西哥比索对美元的汇率就降低了18%。