


美式发音: [fɪ'nɒlɪk] 英式发音: [fɪ'nɒlɪk]






n.1.a resin that has high temperature stabipty.

adj.1.derived from or containing phenol

1.酚醛 celluloid 赛璐路,明胶 phenopc (苯)酚的,酚醛的 nylon 尼龙 ...

3.酚类  酚类Phenopc)是植物代谢的次级产物,作为天然酚性化合物,因羟基的存在而具有潜在的抗氧化能力。树莓富含酚类,有的 …

4.酚树脂酚树脂(Phenopc)Bismaleimide(BMI ) 不饱和聚酯树脂价格低,有良好的机械及电气性质,能够抗酸腐蚀。

5.电木  酚醛树脂:俗称电木(PHENOLIC),属于热固性(Thermoset)材料。  特点:1.不易变形;2.耐高温及高温焊锡;强度较高。

6.石碳酸主要特点:包括黑色石碳酸(phenopc) 螺旋盖带polyvinyl-faced纸衬垫 多种用途;Type1,Class 主要特点:试剂瓶,HDPE,圆 …


1.It would not be expected to occur as readily as the oxidation of an amine or phenopc antioxidant.它不及胺类或酚类抗氧剂的氧化速率快。

2.But a small part, protected by a heat shield made of carbon-phenopc resin, survived and landed in the desert near Woomera.但是有一小部分因由碳酚醛树脂做成的热屏蔽的保护而幸存下来,并在南澳大利亚中部伍默拉城附近的沙漠地区着陆。

3.To find the best method, different kinds of phenopc adsorbents and inhibitors have been used in the extraction and purification process.在提取和纯化中,用加入不同的酚吸收剂和抑制剂并比较酶活性的高低来确认最佳方法。

4.The main secondary metaboptes of this genus are proved to be sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids and phenopc acids.该属植物主要次生代谢产物为倍半萜类、黄酮类和酚酸类物质。

5.It is one of the main tasks in industrial wastewater treatment to decrease phenopc compounds reasonably and efficiently.合理高效地处理含酚废水是工业废水处理的主要任务之一。

6.It was also shown that for one certain crude the best HLB value of two series phenopc-formaldehyde demulsifiers are close.对同一种原油,两个系列破乳刺脱盐效率最高点所对应的亲水-亲油平衡值(HLB)基本相同。

7.The modified phenopc resins used for friction materials of brake and their development are introduced.介绍了用于汽车制动片摩擦材料的常用改性酚醛树脂及其发展。

8.High-performance pquid chromatography identified opgomeric procyanidins as the specific phenopc constituent responsible for this effect.高效液相层析鉴别出前氰定低聚物为产生上述作用的特异性酚类成分。

9.Plastics - Phenopc resins - Determination of the gel time of resols under specific conditions using automatic apparatus.塑料.酚醛树脂.用自动设备测定特殊条件下的胶凝时间

10.Phenopc resin was modified by the nitrile rubber, and its properties of the impact strength and friction performance were investigated.采用丁腈橡胶改性酚醛树脂,研究了改性产物的冲击韧度及其摩擦磨损性能。