


网络释义:篮球相关收入(Basketball Related Income);基本速率的综合业务数字网(Basic Rate ISDN);基本速率接口(Basic Rate Interface)


1.篮球相关收入(Basketball Related Income) PG 前列腺素 BRI 基本速率的综合业务数字网 TMU 纹理映射单元 ...

3.基本速率接口(Basic Rate Interface)精装修究竟在节能方面可以走多远,达到何种水平,日本BRI (Building Research Institute) 刚刚于 2011 年 2 月在筑波建成的 …


1.Case law is another form of law opposite to formulated law which is usually adopted by Bri - Ame System countries.判例法是与制定法相对的一种法律形式,历来被英美法系国家采用。

2.In Europe BRI is the dominant voice carrier, but ISDN FAX machines have never been widely accepted.酶是在欧洲占主导地位的电信级,但综合业务数字网传真机从来没有被广泛接受。

3.The players are looking to protect their percentage of the league's basketball-related income (BRI) and want a shorter agreement.队员们正在寻找保护自己的联赛的篮球相关收入的百分比(BRI),并希望在较短的协议。

4.BRI service is provided over a local copper loop that traditionally carries analog phone service.BRI服务是在运送传统类比电话服务的本地铜线迴圈上提供的。

5.ISDN specifies two standard access methods, BRI and PRI. A single BRI or PRI interface provides a multiplexed bundle of B and D channels.ISDN指定了两个标准的存取方法,分别是BRI和PRI。每一个BRI或PRI介面都提供一个由B与D通道编成的多工组合。

6.The main apppcation of molecular model of carbon nanotubes is introduced bri.并简单介绍了碳纳米管分子模型的主要应用。

7.While I'm cool with players getting a healthy chunk of BRI, I'll stop at individual players owning teams.虽然我对球员的评分感觉还可以,但我不认为某一个单一的球员可以拥有一支球队。

8.If the router has a connector labeled BRI then it is already ISDN-enabled.假如这路由器有一个标签著BRI的连接器,它便算是兼容ISDN了。

9.What're you still doing here, Bri?你还在这里做什么、布莱恩?。

10.Sequence analysis and expression study of BRI gene in two lung adenocarcinoma cell pnes with different metastatic potentialBRI基因在一对转移能力不同的肺腺癌细胞系中的序列分析与表达研究