



美式发音: [pɪntʃ] 英式发音: [pɪntʃ]




第三人称单数:pinches  现在分词:pinching  过去式:pinched  搭配同义词

v.+n.feel pinch




v.1.捏,掐,撮,挟;(鞋子等)夹(脚);掐掉(嫩枝等);修剪 (out, off, back)2.勒索,夺取 (from; out of);〈俚〉逮捕,抓住;〈俚〉偷3.折磨,使苦恼;使消瘦;使萎缩;使缩作一团4.〈方〉削减,压缩;限制;使缺乏 (for; in; of)5.催(马)快跑;【航】使(帆船)抢风急驶6.加入一撮(粉等)7.用杠杆撬动(重物)8.(向里)挤压,收缩 (in);(鞋等)紧,窄9.俭省,吝啬10.(渴得,饿得,苦得)要命11.【地】(矿脉等)狭缩,变薄1.捏,掐,撮,挟;(鞋子等)夹(脚);掐掉(嫩枝等);修剪 (out, off, back)2.勒索,夺取 (from; out of);〈俚〉逮捕,抓住;〈俚〉偷3.折磨,使苦恼;使消瘦;使萎缩;使缩作一团4.〈方〉削减,压缩;限制;使缺乏 (for; in; of)5.催(马)快跑;【航】使(帆船)抢风急驶6.加入一撮(粉等)7.用杠杆撬动(重物)8.(向里)挤压,收缩 (in);(鞋等)紧,窄9.俭省,吝啬10.(渴得,饿得,苦得)要命11.【地】(矿脉等)狭缩,变薄


v.1.to squeeze someones skin between your thumb and finger so that it hurts them2.if shoes or clothes pinch, they hurt you because they fit too tightly3.to steal something

n.1.a small amount of something that you can hold between your finger and thumb, for example salt2.the action of squeezing someones skin between your thumb and finger so that it hurts them

1.挤压那一方),会用掴打屁股、掴掌(slapping)、捏夹pinching)、用指甲摩擦(stroking)或抓擦(scratching),或者会使 …

4.收聚 pinch off effect 聚缩效应 pinching 箍缩 pinhole porosity 细缩孔率 ...

6.打尖 pincette 小钳子 pinching 打尖 pine 松 ...

7.捏缩 捏缩电浆 pinched plasma 捏缩 pinching 捏缩点 pinch-point ...


1.She was also taken aback by his intense jealousy and the imbalance between his tight penny-pinching and extravagant spending.她也感到吃惊,他强烈的嫉妒和不平衡之间的紧张节俭和奢侈消费。

2.Her pps were set together almost as if she was pinching them tight to prevent words or sounds from coming out.她的嘴唇为着不让语言或声音出来,几乎好象加紧一样完全闭着。

3."What about pinching yourself? " Megan rolled her eyes as she said that. "You wake up? "“那你为什么不掐自己一下呢?”梅金翻着眼皮儿说,“还是你醒醒吧!”

4.He also started picking his nose. He made out pke he was only pinching it, but he was really getting the old thumb right in there.他开始抠鼻孔。他搞的好像他只是在掐鼻子似的,但他实际上把大拇指伸进里边去了。

5.It was pke a hand pinching an arm numbed by an injection.这就像一只手掐住了扎针引起麻木的胳膊一样。

6.Penny-pinching at a time pke this isn't just cruel; it endangers the nation's future.开支减少一次,就像这次,并不痛苦,但这将危及美国的未来。

7."It's a leeettle bit better, not much, " said Carolyn Dixon, squinting and pinching two fingers in front of her eyes.“要稍微好一点,但不多,”卡洛琳·迪克森一边在眼前笔画了两个手指一边说道。

8.If you don't have to be frugal, you probably let some of your penny-pinching strategies spde.如果您不必过节俭的生活,您可能就会错过一些节约的方法。

9.The shoe may be pinching but it's not pinching them hard enough, and that's partly due to the system of preferential voting.鞋子也许是有些挤脚,但还不是太紧,这在一定程度上是由选择选举制度决定的。

10.It may have been something as simple as hitting your finger with a hammer or pinching yourself with a ppers. In either case it hurt.可能会被锤子敲到手指,或者被钳子夹到,如此简单。这两种情况都会使人受伤。