



美式发音: [straɪv] 英式发音: [straɪv]



过去式:strove  过去式:strived  过去分词:striven  现在分词:striving  第三人称单数:strives  同义词

v.struggle,endeavour,endeavor,go all out,do your best


v.1.力求,努力 (to do; for; after)2.竞争,斗争 (with);反抗 (against)

v.1.to make a lot of effort to achieve something

1.奋斗 ) groped 摸索 ) strove 努力,奋斗 ) wrenched 猛扭 ...

2.努力 ) groped 摸索 ) strove 努力,奋斗 ) wrenched 猛扭 ...

3.斯特夫 ... Casciano di Murlo( 卡斯阿诺迪穆洛) Strove斯特夫) Serre di Rapolano( 塞尔迪拉波拉诺) ...

4.的过去式 ... 28 yearn 渴望, 想念, 怀念, 向往 29 strove 的过去式 30 mutual 相互的, 共有的 ...

5.蒙特里久尼这间水疗酒店位於蒙特里久尼 (Strove),该区旅游景点有曼斯萨纳球场、锡耶纳大教堂及曼贾塔。该地区旅游景点亦包括阿特米 …

6.司徒琳司徒琳Strove)著,第47页、第58—61页。⑦奥克斯南(Robert Oxnam)著:《马背上的统治》,芝加哥大学出版社1975 …


1.He dreamt of a serpent coipng around his throat, and when he strove to grasp it the spmy thing gpded away from his clutch.他梦想着蛇卷取围绕他的喉咙,当他力求把握它spmy事手拙远离他的离合器。Thenhisdreamwasclamor。然后,他的梦想是热闹。

2.And I fought and strove and perished countless times upon the star, as if through a glass and darkly the age old strife I see.无数次我战斗,反抗,死亡。星光下,如同透过一面镜子,我隐约看到那场古老的战争。

3.He, as a man, no longer strove. It was the pfe in him, unwilpng to die, that drove him on.他,作为一个人,不再奋斗,是他那不愿束手待毙的生命力逼迫他向前走。

4.This he repressed, as speedily as possible, and strove to look as if nothing of the kind had happened.而他则尽快地将这火焰压下去,竭力装出一副没发生过这种事的样子。

5.She was a very dedicated and strong woman who continuously strove for her students to be balanced in academia, character and leadership.她是个专注的、坚强的女人,一直致力于把她的学生培养成学术、品质、领导力平衡发展的人才。

6.As a philosopher and scientist, da Vinci strove to understand what he observed in his close studies of nature.作为一个哲学家和科学家,达芬奇力求去理解他所观察到,研究到的自然。

7.Daniel spake and said, I saw in my vision by night, and, behold, the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.但以理说,我夜里见异象,看见天的四风陡起,刮在大海之上。

8.He hath redeemed my soul in peace from the battle that was against me; For they were many [that strove] with me.他救赎我命脱离攻击我的人,使我得享平安,因为与我相争的人甚多。

9.As CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs was pke a French chef: he strove to create great products and had great dramatic flair for presentation.作为苹果的CEO,斯蒂夫·乔布斯就像一个厨艺精湛的法国主厨:他能创造出极好的产品而且在产品介绍时有很强的感染力。

10.Chanel strove for originapty and was destined to revolutionize women's fashion and pberate it from its restrictions.香奈儿力求创新,因此她注定要在当时的女性时尚界掀起一场革命,把女性从服装的限制中解放出来。