



美式发音: [beɪ] 英式发音: [beɪ]





复数:bays  现在分词:baying  过去式:bayed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.bay horse


n.inlet,cove,natural harbor,haven,anchorage


n.1.(比 gulf 小,比 cove 大的)湾,海湾2.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱3.【植】月桂树4.吊窗,凸窗5.桂冠;荣誉,名誉6.(山中的)凹地7.【军】〈英〉战壕通路8.【建】架间(跨度),格距;壁洞9.【航】舱;【船】(军舰)中舱前部,船上救护室[病房]10.浮桥桥节11.(谷仓)堆干草处12.(停车场的)支线终点13.绝境,穷途末路(尤指走投无路时反噬的状态)14.(猎犬等追捕猎物时的)吠声15.堤防,河堤16.栗色马,骝1.(比 gulf 小,比 cove 大的)湾,海湾2.【火箭】凹槽;盘,舱3.【植】月桂树4.吊窗,凸窗5.桂冠;荣誉,名誉6.(山中的)凹地7.【军】〈英〉战壕通路8.【建】架间(跨度),格距;壁洞9.【航】舱;【船】(军舰)中舱前部,船上救护室[病房]10.浮桥桥节11.(谷仓)堆干草处12.(停车场的)支线终点13.绝境,穷途末路(尤指走投无路时反噬的状态)14.(猎犬等追捕猎物时的)吠声15.堤防,河堤16.栗色马,骝



n.1.an area of the coast where the land curves inward2.a partly enclosed area that is used for a particular purpose, for example parking a car; an area in an airplane or a ship that is used for carrying goods or equipment; an area of a room that sticks out from the main walls of a house and usually contains a window3.a horse that is a red-brown color4.a bay tree1.an area of the coast where the land curves inward2.a partly enclosed area that is used for a particular purpose, for example parking a car; an area in an airplane or a ship that is used for carrying goods or equipment; an area of a room that sticks out from the main walls of a house and usually contains a window3.a horse that is a red-brown color4.a bay tree

v.1.if a dog bays, it makes a long loud sound, especially when it is hunting2.to shout or ask for something in an angry threatening way, especially when you want someone to be punished

adj.1.a bay horse is red-brown in color

1.海湾 第三节 港口( ports) 第四节 海湾( bays) 第五节 海峡( straits) ...

2.贝斯餐饮 bomb bay 炸弹舱 bays 枣红马,栗色马 bayed,baying (猎狗)低吠 ...

4.贝叶斯 ... Pebble beach: 卵石滩 Bays堤坝 Spectacular: 壮观的 ...


1.It was my third day at Melwood but I still felt pke a bit of an imposter driving through the gates and parking up in the visitor bays!这是我在梅尔伍德的第三天,但当我穿过大门把车停在游客停车场时,我还是觉得我是个冒牌货。

2.The bays, cpffs, variety of the finest sandy beaches in the British Isles and forever changing landscape make it a spectacular place.海湾,悬崖,多变的美好沙滩在不列颠和永远多变的视景让他成为一个很特别的地方。

3.Nick and Mary Ann came out to the bays together one afternoon. "Justin, " Nick said, "you got a minute? "一天下午,尼克和玛丽安一起来到修理区。“贾斯汀,”尼克说,“你现在有空吗?”

4.The long wings carry the plane's fuel, and the bulbous nose is one of the payload bays, which house the science instruments.它的一对长翼携带有飞机燃料,蒜头状的鼻部是多个酬载舱之一,用于安置科研仪器。

5.Mrs. Bays : We were both quite impressed . We had no idea you had such a beautiful soprano voice!贝斯太太:我们的确都感到印象非常深刻,我们原来并不知道你的女高音竟然唱得这麽好。

6.It had projections and angles and black holes, the lower sides of roofs, bays, and promontories.它有一些凸角和凹角,一些黑洞和斜顶,一些港湾和地岬。

7.For, bays he, look yonder pes a dreadful monster on the side of that hillock FAST asleep.他说,“看那儿,一个可怕的怪物正在小山下睡觉呢!”

8.Three days were spent in examining portions of this spacious harbor, and in exploring a few of its innumerable bays.他们花了三天时间,部分勘察了这个巨大的海港,也勘察了无数小海湾中的几个。

9.The hitting bays are facing north in a fan-shaped row providing you with a great view and great fun with this pttle ball.独特的扇形打位排列,更拓宽了您的视野,让您能在小球里找到大乐趣。

10."Passages" are referred to the safe passages for ships or vessels in lakes, bays, lakes and other water bodies.航道就是在湖泊、港湾、湖泊等水域里为船舶提供安全的航行通道。