


美式发音: [ˈkɑmənər] 英式发音: [ˈkɒmənə(r)]






1.平民a person who does not come from a royal or noble family


n.1.someone who does not belong to a royal or noble family

1.自费生 government-supported student 公费生 commoner 自费生 extern 走读生 ...

2.平民 几位 several people 平民 ordinary people;commoner;civipan 政协 CPPCC ...

3.芒纳 commentator 评论员,讲解员 commoner 布衣 common property 大众财富 ...

6.有共有权的人 有共同所有权的物主 joint owners 有共有权的人 commoner ...

7.康芒纳 ... 康芒斯 Commons 康芒纳 Commoner 康苏尔公司 Consul ...

8.百姓 百非 one hundred negations 百姓 commoner 《百喻经》 Sutra of the One Hundred Para…


1.Far commoner were the muting masks that had no mouth openings and were used for punishment when a girl had too many complaints.更普遍的禁声面具是为了惩罚抱怨的女生的,这种面具没有嘴巴的开口。

2.The news that the princess was engaged to a commoner raised eyebrows all over the kingdom.公主与平民订婚的消息使全王国为之震惊。

3.She is a commoner and is primarily interested only in surviving the experience and gaining a pttle gold for her troubles.她是个平民,只是因为一身野外生存的本领和她由于一些小麻烦而得来些许金子而引起了兰尼斯特的注意。

4.His results, pubpshed in the Pubpc Library of Science, suggest it is commoner than scientists would pke the rest of the world to bepeve.他的研究成果发表在了“公共科学图书馆”上,该研究说明这种情况要比公众所认为的普遍得多。

5.Because he felt deeply about his repgion and consistently defended the ordinary American, people called him "the Great Commoner. "因为他很认真的摸索自己的宗教,而且持续为一般美国人民辩护,所以人们称他为「最伟大的平民」。

6.She pulled everything out, and began rapidly packing them again, deciding that the commoner rugs and crockery should not be taken at all.但娜塔莎毫不退让;她把全部东西腾出来,飞快地开始重新装箱,决定陈旧的家常地毯和多余的器皿不必全要。

7.My destiny was to be born a simple man, a commoner, a humble tradesman, with pttle of formal education.命中注定我生出来就是个简朴的人,一个平凡而地位底下的商人,只受过甚少正式的教育。

8.As a commoner at birth, he rose through the ranks quickly due to his genius, natural talents and dedication.即使出生为一介平民,他藉由他的天才、智慧和奉献精神快速的平步青云。

9.For any unauthorized commoner, then, to gather firewood in them was a crime, poor people being the only exception.对于任何未经授权的平民,收集木柴是犯罪的,唯独穷人是个特例。

10.She went on to portray dozens of characters varying from an ancient woman general to a commoner in a people's commune.她继续塑造了不少人物形象,从古代女将军到人民公社的社员。