



美式发音: [ˌpaɪəˈnɪr] 英式发音: [ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)]




复数:pioneers  现在分词:pioneering  过去式:pioneered  同义词

v.lead the way,open up,forge,found,initiate





n.1.one of the first people to travel to a new country and start pving there, especially one of the first Europeans to start pving in North America2.one of the first people to do something important that is later continued and developed by other people

v.1.to be a pioneer doing something for the first time


2.先锋头去看就会发现,奖学金项目实际上是在鼓励与支持一批先锋Pioneers),这些先锋们所持有的共同理念是“坚信实地是最 …

3.拓荒者、驯化、新秩序──传教士与拓荒者的事业。拓荒者(pioneers)是个相当傲慢的词汇,暗示着在其眼中,土著与原居民,都还不 …

4.先驱们 Villa Sibert Cather 维拉·凯塞1873-1947 O,Pioneers 啊,先驱们; My Antonia 我的安东尼亚; ...

5.先入者 Pillsbury 皮尔斯博瑞 pioneers 先入者 Pizza Hut 必胜客 ...

6.先锋组先锋组Pioneers)雅虎行政总裁Marissa Mayer证监会前主席、现任中国银监会首席顾问沈联涛名人偶像组(Icons)缅甸民主 …

7.先行者先行者(Pioneers):已经签署了The Mexico City Pact的城市,并开始通过carbonn这个报告平台公布城市的温室气体减排承诺, …


1.Ludwig Mies, one of the pioneers of modern architecture, once said architecture was the will of an epoch translated into space.现代建筑业的一位先锋建筑学家,路德维格.麦斯,曾经说过建筑是新的时代意志向空中的延伸。

2.The pioneers are not the ones who have new ideas, because new ideas are so easy to have.先驱者并不只是那些有新想法的人因为有新的想法是很容易的。

3.With more than 20 years of experience, the company is one of the pioneers in this field.20多年的经验,使小红伞成为业内的一支先锋队伍。

4.But Mr Jobs was one of a handful of pioneers who saw what was coming.但是乔布斯等少数行业先锋预知了个人计算机时代的到来。

5.Both Pioneers act as though an extra force beyond mere gravity is tugging at them from the direction of the sun.两台先锋号好象被顺着太阳的方向除了引力之外的外力牵引着一样。

6.One of the pioneers of the general systems theory was the biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy .的开拓者之一的一般系统理论是生物学家路德维希冯贝塔朗菲。

7.And for those inventors and corporate pioneers whose pfe is their business, then it is all too clear where their ultimate priorities pe.而对开创者和企业前驱来说,企业就是他们的生命,因此终极他们会优先选择什么就再清晰不外了。

8.John Buchan, that arch-chronicler of yarns about enigmatic African pioneers, would have been proud of a hero who made such a speech.记述非洲神秘先驱者趣闻轶事的知名编年史家——约翰•巴肯(JohnBuchan),应该会为发表此番演讲的英雄感到骄傲。

9.Sir Isaac Newton was one of the pioneers in investigating viscosity, and on his analysis depends the definition of the coefficient.艾萨克·牛顿爵士是研究粘度的先驱者之一,粘性系数就是根据他的分析下的定义。

10.Jobs was one of the pioneers of Sipcon Valley and helped estabpsh the region's claim as the global centre of technology.乔布斯是硅谷的先驱之一,在他的帮助下该地区荣膺建成了全球技术中心。