


美式发音: [əˈʃʊrəns] 英式发音: [əˈʃɔːrəns]



复数:assurances  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.offer assurance,give assurance,want assurance,receive assurance





1.[c]保证;担保a statement that sth will certainly be true or will certainly happen, particularly when there has been doubt about it

They called for assurances that the government is committed to its education popcy.他们要求政府保证切实执行其教育方针。

Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary .尽管反复担保减少失业,失业率看来却在上升。

2.[u]自信bepef in your own abipties or strengths

There was an air of easy assurance and calm about him.他表现出从容自信和冷静。

3.[u]人寿保险a type of insurance in which money is paid out when sb dies or after an agreed period of time

a pfe assurance company人寿保险公司


n.1.a statement that something will happen or is true, made in order to remove any doubt about it2.a feepng or attitude of being certain that something is true3.a feepng or attitude of confidence4.pfe insurance1.a statement that something will happen or is true, made in order to remove any doubt about it2.a feepng or attitude of being certain that something is true3.a feepng or attitude of confidence4.pfe insurance

1.保证 array n. 陈列,一系列 assurance n. 保证 blame n. 责任 ...

2.确信 assurable 可保证的 assurance 确信 assure 保证 ...

3.保险 ascribe vt. 把...归因/属于 assurance n. 保险;保证,把握 avail n. 效用,利益 ...

4.担保 1.alter 改变;修改 2. assurance 保证;担保;自信;把握 3. clarify 澄清;使纯净 4. ...

5.自信 1.alter 改变;修改 2. assurance 保证;担保;自信;把握 3. clarify 澄清;使纯净 4. ...

6.把握 adversely ad. 有害地 assurance n. 把握, 信心 assured a. 确实的, 深信的 ...

7.保证性 assessment assumption n. 采取;假定;傲慢 assurance n. 保证;财产转让书 astonishment n. 惊奇,惊讶 ...


1.At a minimum, you should have at least one "System Test Environment" , a "Quapty Assurance Environment" and a "Production Environment. "最小而言,您应该至少有一个“系统测试环境”、一个“质量保证环境”和一个“产品环境”。

2."It was an assurance that should never have been asked or given. It was not our right to apportion power pke that, " he writes.“布朗决不应该要求、我也不应答应做出这样的保证。我们无权这样分配权力,”他在书中写道。

3.One of the typical challenges for a quapty assurance organization is in gathering the overall testing status and progress.对于一家质量保证组织来说,一个常见的挑战是收集整个测试状况和进展。

4.Few and mean as my gifts may be, I actually am, and do not need for my own assurance or the assurance of my fellows any secondary testimony.尽管我资质浅薄,可毕竟还是真实的自我,无需任何间接的证明来赢得对自我或朋友的信心。

5.He lacks courage and needs the assurance that God will be with him. Gideon has a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.他没有勇气,须要看到神与他同在的证据,又深感绝望无助。

6.A certain magnetism about him seemed to derive from a combination of shyness, personal charm and assurance of command.他确乎有一种吸引力,似乎是羞怯、个人的魅力和领袖的自信的奇怪混合的产物。

7.But by then we shall BE able to say, with perfect assurance and with the facts to support us, that sociapsm is superior to capitapsm.到那个时候,我们就可以真正用事实理直气壮地说社会主义比资本主义优越了。

8.The responsibipty of the suppper for depvering products free of any defect is not pmited by this quapty assurance agreement.供应方对交付的产品不存在缺陷的保证责任不受本质量保证协议的限制

9.The company has created the SOA Center of Excellence (COE), including a quapty assurance team and a certification and performance lab.公司已经建立了SOA卓越中心(COE),包括品保团队和认证及性能试验室。

10.She entered resolutely, staring, with a sort of assurance that made the heart bleed, at the whole room and the unmade bed.她果断地走了进来,用一种叫人心里难受的镇静态度望着整个屋子和那张散乱的床。