




1.爱情微电影 ... 关于我们 About us 爱情微电影 Love-we 作品展示 showcase ...


1.As for people who love us but whom we do not love, we may be indifferent, or at least would not harbor such a deep overall concern.至于爱我们但我们不爱的人,我们可能是不关心的,或者至少不会怀有这样一种深切的全面关心。

2.As one of the Utoya survivors, a teenage girl, said: "If one man can show so much hate, imagine how much love we all can show together. "正如于特岛(Utoya)幸存者之一、一名十几岁的女孩所说的:“如果一个人可以展示出如此多的仇恨,想象一下我们所有人团结在一起可以展示出多少的爱。”

3.To leave is to die a pttle; to die to what we love. We leave behind a bit of ourselves, wherever we have been.离别意味着一部分的死亡;那是为我们所爱而死。无论我们到过什么地方,都把生命的一部分留下。

4.Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in that action.爱从家庭中开始,并不是要看我们做了多少事情,而是要看我们在做的过程中融入了多少爱。

5.It's not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing.不要太在乎我们创造了多少,而是要在乎我们在创造中灌注了多少爱。

6."If we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well, " he said.他说,“如果我们真的生而平等,那么,毫无疑问,我们对彼此的爱也应该是平等的。”

7.in love we affirm one another but do not dominate. To love is not to win or lose, but to help and be helped.在爱中,我们互相尊重对方,但并不凌驾人。爱并不是要获胜或失败,只要助人,也受人助。

8.So the words you could not say, I'll sing them for you. And the love we would have made, I'll make it for two.因此那些你不想说出的话,我将为你用歌声呈现。我们之间的爱,我会传承下去。

9.Love we must have the other salt, she gives us the infinite power of our physical and mental state of excitement at the moment.爱情是我们必需的另一种盐,她给我们带来无穷的力量,使我们的身心时刻处于亢奋状态。

10.But there is a chance we might at least become friends, even one day feel the love we had for each other when he was a pttle boy.但是我们至少可以成为朋友,有一天可以回顾一下当他还是小孩子的时侯我们曾经有过的父子情意。