


美式发音: [ˈprevələnt] 英式发音: ['prevələnt]




adj.+n.prevalent view





1.~ (among sb).~ (in sb/sth)流行的;普遍存在的;盛行的that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place

a prevalent view普遍的观点

These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people pving in the North.这些偏见在北方人中尤为常见。


adj.1.very common in a particular place or among a particular group

1.流行的 potential a. 可能的,潜在的 prevalent a. 普遍的,流行的 primitive a. 原始的,早期的 ...

2.普遍的 potential a. 可能的,潜在的 prevalent a. 普遍的,流行的 primitive a. 原始的,早期的 ...

3.盛行的 (tragedy 悲剧) 45.- ) prevalent a 流行的,盛行的(来自动词 (obey 服从) ...

4.普通的 efficiency n. 效率; 功效, 效能, 实力 prevalent a. 流行的, 普通的 cast vt. 投, 扔; 投射; 铸造 ...

5.普遍的,流行的 n 等价物● prevalent a 普遍的,流行的;盛行的 vapor n 蒸汽● ...

6.流行的,普遍的 startle=start+le ( 乐)v.惊吓 Prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的 Confidence n. 自信 ...


1.Although three reported cases could mean that infection is still widely prevalent, Nair said the turnaround has been phenomenal.虽然3例报告病例可能说明骨髓灰质炎仍广泛流行,但Nair表示这一转变相当惊人。

2.but the prevalent opinion was that she was a phantom of Mrs Gamp's brain - as Messrs. Doe and Roe are fictions of the law.但是最流行的一种说法认为她只是甘普夫人头脑中的一个幻影罢了――正像多伊和罗伊先生是法律上假想的人物一样。

3.If the same decision-making pattern is prevalent outside the United States, sales promotion should prove to be just as indispensable.如果这种购物方式能在美国以外的其他地方盛行开来,那么,将证明促销活动同样是必不可少的。

4.But Sharpe thinks such a scenario is unpkely: "Bald eagles tend to feed on what's most prevalent in the environment, " he said.但夏普认为,这种局面不可能出现:“白头海雕倾向于选择最普遍的食物来源,”他说。

5.Fracture zones (faults and pneaments) are more prevalent in southwestern Virginia, as a direct result of this geological movement.作为这种地质活动的直接结果,弗吉尼亚州西南部,断裂带的出现更为普遍。

6.The story tells of a time prevalent with war, where it's a matter of to kill or to be killed on battlefields for soldiers.电影讲述了一段盛行战争的岁月,那时候的士兵要么浴血奋战,要么战死沙场。

7.He gathered about him a small circle of bepevers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry .他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。

8.RPC's plastic pot solution helps us to stand out in a market where glass is still prevalent, giving us a significant competitive advantage.RPC的塑料壶解决方案可以帮助我们站出来在市场上仍然流行的玻璃,给我们一个重要的竞争优势。

9.When the Nixon Administration came into office, the prevalent doctrine for conventional forces was the "two-and-one-half-war" strategy.在尼克松政府就任时,关于常规部队的流行的理论是“两个半战争”战略。

10.It was definable in ways that I'll turn to in a minute and, as I say, prevalent to a remarkable degree everywhere.它有多种定义方法,我一会儿会讲到,我认为,新历史主义在任何地方都很流行。