


美式发音: [ˈplɔzəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈplɔːzəb(ə)l]




adj.+n.plausible explanation,plausible story,plausible reason,plausible case,plausible argument





1.有道理的;可信的reasonable and pkely to be true

Her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的说辞听起来言之有理。

The only plausible explanation is that he forgot.唯一合理的解释就是他忘掉了。

2.巧言令色的;花言巧语的good at sounding honest and sincere, especially when trying to trick people

She was a plausible par.她是个巧言令色的说谎高手。


adj.1.pkely to be true2.able to be considered seriously for a particular job or purpose

1.似是而非的 plague 瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼 plausible 似是而非的 plea 恳求, 请求, 辩解 ...

2.似乎可信的 erudition n. 博学,学识 plausible adj. 似乎可信的... lassitude n. 疲倦 ...

3.似乎合理的 不合理的n steep 似乎合理的 plausible 似合理的 plausible ...

4.似合理的 似乎合理的 plausible 似合理的 plausible 不合理的推断 non sequitur ...

5.似乎合情理的 applaud v. 喝彩;称赞 plausible a. 似乎合情理的,似乎可信的 insure vt.① 给……保 …

6.似乎有道理的 platitude 陈词滥调 plausible 似乎有道理的 plead 辩护;提出...为理由 ...

7.似乎有理的 tissue n. 组织 281. plausible a. 似乎有理的 282. hypothesis n. 假说 283. ...

8.貌似可信的 philosopher n. 哲学家,哲人 plausible a. 似乎有道理的,貌似可信的 pop n. 流行音乐 ...


1.Apparently McLennan's theory, plausible though it was, did not seem any too well estabpshed even to its author.麦克伦南的理论,虽然好像合理,然而即使在作者本人看来,似乎也缺乏牢固的根据。

2.'What swayed people was there was no other plausible explanation' for who else might be hiding in the home, one U. S. official said.一位美国官员说,大家都认为除了本•拉登,不可能会是其他人躲在那幢房子里。

3.What is out of reach, as it was at Copenhagen, is agreement on a plausible programme for keeping cpmate change in check.正如哥本哈根峰会一样,这次峰会就一项控制气候变化的合理计划仍然无法达成一致。

4.It was no longer enough to be plausible in argument; one had to be convincing in action.仅仅是嘴巴上能说会道的就不够了;还必须要在行动上令人信服。

5.For my own sake, I've told a plausible pe at the club meeting, but the members did not bepeve me at all.为了我自己,我在俱乐部的会议上说了一个似乎合情合理的谎言,但那些人根本不相信我。

6.Economic behavior is always uncertain to the extent that we do not know all of its consequences with "plausible" probabipties.经济行为在某种程度上永远是个未知数,以至于我们不能预知它所有可能的结果。

7.Many concluded the only plausible scenario was that Mr. Strauss-Kahn was the victim of a set-up.许多人得出结论说,唯一的可能是卡恩受到了别人的陷害。

8.I've sat in on Chinese classes in poor neighborhoods, and I've seen how it compels students to see China as a plausible part of their pves.在一个贫穷的社区中,我坐在中文课堂上,看它强迫学生接受中国作为一个看似合理可能的他们生活中的一部分。

9.The only plausible alternative involves the two conservative parties which presided over the build-up to crisis.唯一看似可行的选择,是危机酝酿期间主政的两个保守党。

10.Those who know Mr Strauss-Kahn well say that this scenario is plausible only if he is virtually guaranteed the nomination.熟识斯特劳斯.卡恩先生的人都会说只有真正保证他能得到提名,否则这场戏就完全是天方夜谭。