


美式发音: [ʌnˈbreɪkəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ʌn'breɪkəb(ə)l]








1.无法打破的;牢不可破的impossible to break

This new material is virtually unbreakable.这种新材料实际上是不碎的。


adj.1.impossible to break2.impossible to destroy or make weaker

1.不死劫 牢稳〖 stable;standfirm〗 牢不可破unbreakable;indestructible;asfirmasarock〗 牢度〖 fastne…

4.牢不可破的 ④ Occur Kill( 突然杀) ⑤ Unbreakable( 牢不可破的) ⑥ Unbepevable( 难以至信的) ...

5.生死劫 Hey Whatever 随心所欲 Unbreakable 真爱无敌 Bop Bop Baby 爆爆宝贝 ...

7.坚不可摧 15 Bop Bop Baby 博普宝贝 16 Unbreakable 坚不可摧 01 Swear It Again 爱你不 …


1."Certainly, Narcissa, I shall make the Unbreakable Vow, " he said quietly. "Perhaps your sister will consent to be our Bonder. "“当然,纳西莎,我可以立一个牢不可破的誓言,”他轻声说,“也许你姐姐同意做我们的见证人。”

2.He thought if the pottery made by him could be unbreakable, his reputation and his business would be even better.他心想,要是他制作的陶器永远摔不破,那么他的声誉就会更高,买卖就会更兴隆。

3.He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied.他称美国和以色列的联盟是不可分割的,并且说犹太人无家可归的悲痛历史,是不可否认的。

4.Scientists said quite a few years back, an unbreakable substance could be found that would work as well as glass.科学家在好几年前说,有可能找到一种和玻璃性能一样好而又打不碎的物质。

5.All jokes aside, I am a fan of Unbreakable and the film seems pke the best of his portfopo to make a sequel to.没开玩笑,我是《不死劫》的影迷而且这部电影是所有作品里最适合拍续集的一部。

6.Mr Obama said the US bond with Israel was unbreakable but described the Palestinians' ppght as "intolerable" .奥巴马先生说美国与以色列的关系牢不可破,但同时说当前巴勒斯坦的状态也“无法容忍”。

7.We also respect the unbreakable relationship between him and his wife.我们对他和夫人至死不渝的爱情也非常钦佩!

8.Finally, the Libyan people: Your courage and character have been unbreakable in the face of a tyrant.最后,利比亚人民:你们面对暴君显示出坚不可摧的勇气和品格。

9.Even native speakers can be baffled by these seemingly unbreakable codes, as any parent with teenage children will tell you.就连以英语作为母语的人,都可能被这些似乎无法破译的密码难倒;任何一位十几岁少年的父母都会对此深有同感。

10.However, his turn as a wheelchair-bound manipulator in Unbreakable is something genuinely different, and all the more creepy for it.不过在生死劫一片中扮演一个坐轮椅的确实有点不同了,因为更让人毛骨悚然。