




1.五年前 you are kidding 你在开玩笑 five years ago 五年前 tall buildings 高楼 ...

2.五年以前 over and over again 反复 56. five years ago 五年以前 57. interesting people 有趣的人 59. ...

3.有表示过去的时间状语 一般只有一种情况:+ ed。 △有表示过去的时间状语 five years ago ...

4.五个月前 ... Last September. 去年九月。 Five years ago. 五个月前。 It's July 17th. 7 月17日。 ...

5.波哥大 ... 说说你们是怎样相识的。 -Jane:Uh,it was... It was in Colombia. 波哥大Five years ago. 5年前。 -Jane:Six. ...

6.五年了 ... 美国 america 五年了 five years ago 意思是 Theyleave america five years ago ...


1.Well, five years ago, there was a view that the companies would skip over any sort of mid-band approach and go right to broad-band.在五年以前,有视野公司会正确地对宽广的-乐团结束跳越任何的种中间的-乐团方式而且去。

2.I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he had been in a coma about five years ago.我鼓起了勇气,问他是否是吉莱斯皮先生,他是否在5年前昏迷过。

3.China has built the world's biggest high-speed rail network in record time, with its first trains beginning to run less than five years ago.中国以创纪录速度建设了全球最大的高速铁路网,而中国铁路部门在不到5年前才开始运行动车。

4.Nihad Fouad Majjid was one of the first to set up in Yiwu, opening his office five years ago.尼赫德-福阿德-马基是首批在义乌定居的伊拉克人之一,五年前他在此开办了公司。

5.Doctor, to be honest, my wife and I were classmates in college. Five years ago, she gave up the city where she pved and came here with me.大姐,不瞒您说,我和爱人是大学同学,5年前她放弃了城市的生活随我来到这里,那时我们是真正意义上的一无所有……

6.I only bought him a cup of coffee and passed on a handful of names and numbers when he approached me about this project some five years ago.五年前他为了本书搜集资料来找我,我只是给他买了一杯咖啡,并提供了几个名字和号码。

7.Every now and again, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some twenty-five years ago.我常常经过他的房子,看着那些25年前我曾看着他种下的那些树。

8.GIFFORD: Just five years ago, Sun was one of the army of migrants following the well-beaten path from countryside to city.格菲德报导:就在五年前,孙先生还是一个因循守旧的跟随着民工潮从农村涌向城市的大军中的一员。

9.I started to think about converting my notes into a book about five years ago. However, it took a bit of time before I really got started.五年前,我就开始想把这些笔记结集成书,但到真正开始着手这件事又拖了一段时间。

10.The company has struggled ever since it was formed by the merger of France's Alcatel and Lucent Technologies of the U. S. five years ago.自从法国的阿尔卡特和美国的朗讯科技(LucentTechnologies)在五年前合并以来,阿尔卡特-朗讯就一直在苦苦挣扎。