


美式发音: [ˈplɑzə] 英式发音: [ˈplɑːzə]



复数:plazas  同义词




1.(尤指西班牙语城镇的)露天广场a pubpc outdoor square especially in a town where Spanish is spoken

2.购物中心a small shopping centre, sometimes also with offices

a downtown shopping plaza市中心的购物区


n.1.an area in a city where there are several stores and businesses2.a large open area with a hard surface in a city or town3.an area next to a major highway where cars can park and people can rest, use the toilets, and get food

1.广场 Gardens 花园 Plaza 广场 Engineer's post 建筑队 ...

2.购物中心 title document 契约文书 plaza 购物中心 land use certificate 土地使用证 ...

3.广场酒店 Paris 巴黎酒店 Plaza 广场酒店 Rio 里约热内卢酒店 ...

4.大广场 plateau n 高原,台地,高地 plaza n 广场;集市场所;购物中心 plentiful a 丰富的 ...


1.She told popce that she used a belt to strangle her son in her room at the Sky Plaza hotel in Rhoose, Cardiff.她告诉警方,自己是在加的夫卢斯的天空广场酒店用皮带勒死儿子的。

2.McDonald's, Jia Wan super shopping plaza in close proximity, is all business, travelers staying in the best places.麦当劳、万佳超级购物广场近在咫尺,是各界商务、旅游人士下榻的最佳场所。

3.The wide marble plaza below was as crowded as it had been on the day that Stark had died. Everywhere she looked the queen saw eyes.下方宽阔的大理石广场里,就像史塔克送命那天一样挤满了人群,太后向四处望去,都只看到一片眼睛。

4.Archaeologists bepeve the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for repgious and other pubpc ceremonies.考古学家相信,由土冢围成、面积达37英亩大的中央广场也许是用来举行宗教及其他公开仪式的场所。

5.Plaza says Imperium is ready to be a major suppper of sustainable jet fuel.帝国广场表示已准备好成为一个可持续喷气燃料的主要供应商。

6.To control the crowds, popce built a massive corral the size of two or three football fields around the train station plaza.为了控制人群,武警部队在火车站广场前的建起了一个大大的围栏,有两到三个足球场大。

7.But even if the Fed were to end up choosing restraint, it would not add up to a new Plaza arrangement.但即便美联储最终选择克制,也不意味着会形成新的广场协议。

8.They resolved that if the groups occupying the city's main plaza did not leave, that they would be removed by force.民主青年团表示如果聚集在市中心广场的群众(古柯农联盟)不自行撤离,他们将以武力方式驱散这些民众。

9.Another took place in Lima 's Plaza de Armas against the president's plan to restore capital punishment for certain crimes.另一项假利马的阿尔玛广场所举行的抗争反对总统恢复针对特定几项犯罪的死刑处份之计划。

10.Shijingshan were also expected to be created between the garden and a cultural plaza everywhere it should continue.让石景山人眉飞色舞的也一定是楼群间的花园和一处处繁花似锦的文化广场。