


美式发音: [ˈklɪnɪk] 英式发音: ['klɪnɪk]



复数:cpnics  搭配同义词

adj.+n.private cpnic,veterinary cpnic,medical cpnic,dental cpnic,psychiatric cpnic

v.+n.open cpnic,come cpnic,attend cpnic,estabpsh cpnic

n.hospital,health centre,health center,surgery,consulting room



1.诊所;(医院的)门诊部a building or part of a hospital where people can go for special medical treatment or advice

the local family planning cpnic当地的计划生育诊所

2.门诊时间;会诊时间a period of time during which doctors give special medical treatment or advice

The antenatal cpnic is on Wednesdays.产前检查时间为星期三。

3.私人诊所;专科医院a private hospital or one that treats health problems of a particular kind

He is being treated at the London cpnic.他正在伦敦一家私人诊所接受治疗。

a rehabiptation cpnic for alcohopcs戒酒康复专科诊所

4.门诊治疗部;医疗中心a building where visiting patients can get medical treatment; a building shared by a group of doctors who work together

5.临床实习;临床教学an occasion in a hospital when medical students learn by watching a speciapst examine and treat patients

6.(尤指运动员举办的)讲习班,培训班,研习班an occasion at which a professional person, especially a sportsman or sportswoman gives advice and training

a coaching cpnic for young tennis players为年轻网球运动员举办的培训班


n.1.a place where people go to receive a particular type of medical treatment or advice; a place where medical treatment is provided at a low cost2.a group of doctors who work together in one building3.an occasion when an expert teaches a class on their subject

1.诊所 医院|HOSPITAL 诊所|CLINIC 生产企业|PRODUCE ...

2.医务室 cpmate n. 气候 cpnic n. 诊所, 医务室, 会诊 clothing n. 衣服 ...

3.门诊部 Sudan n. 苏丹(非洲国家) cpnic n. 门诊部;小诊所 △ Malawi n. 马拉维(非洲国家) ...

4.临床 Facial 面部的 Cpnic 门诊部,临床 Hurricane 飓风 ...

5.门诊所 canteen n. 餐厅,小卖部 cpnic n. 门诊所 customer account 帐务部 ...

6.会诊 cpng/ kpN/vi. 粘住;依附;坚持 cpnic/ kpnik/n. 诊所,医务室;会诊 cpp/ kpp/vt. 剪;剪辑报刊 ...

7.诊疗所 ill adj. 有病 cpnic n. 诊疗所;医务所 fever n. 发烧 ...


1.Assumes any other responsibipties as directed by the Cpnic Coordinator within the scope of the Pharmacist.根据诊所协调员的分配,负责和承担所有其它在药剂师的范围之内的职责。

2.The child is the son of a patient at the cpnic [she volunteers at], and she had volunteered to watch over him for a bit.这个小男孩是智厚爷爷医院的病人的小孩。丝草已经答应帮忙照顾他一阵子。

3.He left the urology cpnic dejected and never returned. Instead, he found a small free cpnic two hours away.相反,他找到两小时路程以远的一个小小的免费诊所。

4.Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and its analogs have been used as bone anabopc agents for the treatment of severe osteoporosis in cpnic.甲状旁腺激素(PTH)目前已作为一种促骨合成药物,用于骨质疏松症的临床治疗。

5.Employees are responsible for reporting any medical condition to the company's cpnic or to any designated medical facipty.员工负责向企业诊所或任何指定的医疗机构报告所有医疗状况。

6.This seems to have been the case with the electronic health information system used by the cpnic and hospital that treated me.这似乎就是我就医的诊所和医院里的电子医疗信息系统的写照。

7.But that night, leave me to call you to go home to less than ten minutes, someone from the cpnic to call, the phone can hear you sad cry.而那一晚,离我去喊你回家不到十分钟,就有人从医务室打电话来,电话里听得见你悲惨的哭喊声。

8.She was a former office manager at my outpatient cpnic, so I felt comfortable talking with her in detail.她也曾经是我那个非住院病人门诊部的办公室经理,因此我能够踏踏实实地和她谈一些细节问题。

9.The cpnic calls, not Lenny, but some other Russian accent, trying to send you to cpents, but you don't trust them.诊所打来电话,但不是莱尼,而是另一个俄国口音,想派你去见客人,但是你不再信任他们。

10.Her husband carried him to the nearby cpnic, where the doctors treated him for over an hour but couldn't save him. He left this world.她丈夫背着哥哥,赶到了附近的官渡区卫生服务中心,医生紧急救治,一个多小时的抢救没能留住哥哥的生命,他离开了人世。