


美式发音: [ʌpˈstrim] 英式发音: [ʌpˈstriːm]






1.~ (of/from sth)向(或在)上游;逆流along a river, in the opposite direction to the way in which the water flows

The nearest town is about ten miles upstream.最近的城镇大约在沿河向上十英里处。

upstream of/from the bridge在桥的上游



adv.1.in the opposite direction to the way a river or stream flows

1.上游 衰退行业( Decpning industry) 上游( Upstream) 商业物业( Commercial real estate) ...

2.上行 downstream 顺流而下 upstream 逆流而上 ait 江心岛 ...

4.向上游 upstage 骄傲的,高傲的 upstream 向上游,逆流地 upswing 上升,增长 ...

5.上流 商业发展服务 Business Development Services 上游的 Upstream 少数民族 Minority ...

7.上游产业  上游产业Upstream) 上游产业指处在整个产业链的开始端,提供原材料和零部件制造和生产的行业。编辑本段概念   根据微笑 …


1.Now Mr Zong is ready to move on: "It is time to expand both upstream and downstream, " he said, though he gave few details.如今,宗庆后已准备好继续前行:“现在是时候同时向上下游扩张了。”但他几乎没有透露细节。

2.Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots.同其他人一样,我也有遇到挫折、情绪低落的时候,那感觉就像是穿着沉重的靴子向上游,却被脚蹼拖着后腿一样。

3.Captain Tong makes his way upstream toward the magnificent temple called Shibaozhai or Stone Precious Temple.佟船长速将前往的宏伟庙宇名叫石宝寨。

4.And during the disappointment, he fancied, "If I could changed into a fish, then I could swim upstream along the cataract and get freed. "失望之中,心生幻想:“倘若我变成一条游鱼,从瀑布中逆水而上,便能游上峭壁。”

5.Salmon are also learning to reproduce in shallow regions of your ocean rather than spawning upstream to allow this to be so.鲑鱼也正学习在你们大洋浅滩处生育,而不是逆流到上游产卵。

6.Since the great action since the launch boycott of napoleon, stubborn support thugs napoleon's death is still goes upstream repentance!自从抵制拿破仑大行动发起以来,顽固的支持恶棍拿破仑的流逝逆流至今仍死不悔改!!

7.He said there are mountaintop mining sites on several sides of his home and that valley fills upstream taint the water.他家附近都是山顶煤矿,他认为这些煤矿污染了水源。

8.The company said the BEL 290 has been designed to minimise energy waste during slow or paused case production upstream.该公司表示,比利时290的设计以尽量减低在减缓或暂停的情况下生产的上游能源浪费。

9.But analysts said they would not be surprised if Hon Hai ended up moving further into upstream petrochemicals as a result of the investment.但分析人士表示,如果鸿海集团因该投资而更深入地涉足上游石化行业,他们不会感到意外。

10.The dam with fine grained taipngs is always an import ant research focus in the case of the upstream method of construction.细粒尾矿筑坝一直是上游法尾矿坝工程的重要研究课题。