


美式发音: [strʌŋ] 英式发音: [strʌŋ]





v.1.“string”的过去式和过去分词2.string 的过去式,过去分词

v.1.The past tense and past participle of string

1.神经兴奋型的 highgrade defective 轻度心智缺陷 highstrung 神经兴奋型的 hightone deafness 高音聋 ...

2.拉线磅数 长度: Length: 拉线磅数 : Strung: 颜色: Color: ...

3.缚扎 strung out 有吸毒瘾的 strung 串起 strut one's stuff 大显身手 ...

5.高度紧张的 ... strung : 香港缤莹 strung高度紧张的 Strung Koto : 发弦琴 ...

6.香港缤莹 ... strung : 串起 strung香港缤莹 strung : 高度紧张的 ...


1.The equity market now is a bunch of co-located computers strung together by a bunch of wires, everyone trying to race to zero.现在的股票市场是一组被一堆线串联在一起、协同放置的计算机,每个人都在设法追求极速交易。

2.It has two circular endplates with the shaft running through the middle of them and curved vanes strung longitudinally between them.它有两个与贯穿轴圆终板在他们中间悬挂和纵向弯曲叶片之间。

3.and the next thing you know, you're strung out on bedspreads , Ken. That's serious.然后接下来你就会拉扯床罩,肯。那很严重。

4.After reading newspaper, I strung them together with a strip of sticky tape. Then I decided to go back to my studio.在阅读了报纸后,我用一窄条胶带把它们捆缚在一起,然后我决定回画室去。

5.Graphology focuses on about the meaning of appearance of your letters, not about the great or not-so-great sentence you've strung together.笔迹学家着眼于你的字母外形所包含的意味,而不是你组合拼接成的好或不好的句子。

6.The key is often strung around the child's neck or left hidden under a mat (or some other object) at the rear door to the property.孩子都把钥匙挂在脖子上或者藏在房子后门的门垫(或其它物件)底下。

7.As a child she was, as people used to say, 'highly strung'.从她还是个孩子的时候起,人们就说她“高度紧张”。

8.Mr. Sarkozy said he was trying to become a calmer, less highly-strung person, according to people who were present.据当时在场的人士说,萨科齐说,他正试着成为一个更为平静、不太那么激动的人。

9.The children were all strung up over the show of wire walking.孩子们在看钢丝表演时都紧张极了。

10.Most of the sea folk passed their tokens up to the barges or tied them to the great funnel net being strung even now below the hulls.大多数的海洋居民都把他们的信物交至驳船中,或把它们拴在船体下大漏斗形渔网上。