


美式发音: [ˈdakə] 英式发音: [ˈdækə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Bangladesh

1.达卡 尼科西亚( Nicosia) 达卡( Dhaka) 不丹王国 The Kingdom of Bhutan ...

2.首都达卡 维也纳 WW 孟加拉国 Dhaka 布鲁塞尔 BB ...

4.孟加拉的达卡飞机经过孟加拉的达卡Dhaka),停了一个小时等乘客登机,我们起初不知道达卡是哪里,敢情这班飞机就跟火车一样,还带 …

5.达卡市达卡市Dhaka)玫瑰园地区(Gulshan)的制衣厂工人声援反对对女性施暴的行为小城镇Sirajgonj的人们也都站出来 联合国声 …


7.孟加拉首都达卡市孟加拉首都达卡市(Dhaka)沙瓦区(Savar)8层楼高的「蓝那广场大楼(Rana Plaza)」24日倒塌,当时有3,100多人在这栋建筑物里 …


1.Street-fighting broke out in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, after Khaleda Zia, a former prime minister, was evicted from her home.在孟加拉国前总理卡莱达•齐亚夫人被从家中逐出之后,该国首都达卡街头爆发了巷战。

2.Investigators say members of a criminal gang were trying to force the boy to become a beggar on the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital.调查人员称犯罪组织的成员想要强迫这个孩子在孟加拉国的首都,达卡的街道上行乞。

3.He went on to become a journapst, and later a poptician, finally settpng with his wife and five sons in Dhaka.他原来想当个新闻记者,但后来参与了政治并带着妻子和五个儿子在达卡定居下来。

4.A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.这是一列从从孟加拉国首都达卡开出向北行驶的火车,一位妇女坐在两节车厢之间的连接处。她的行李塞在她面前的车厢下面。

5.A woman is riding between the railway carriages of a local train heading north from Dhaka, the Bangladesh capital.这名女子坐在一辆从孟加拉国首府达卡开往北部的区间列车上的两节车厢之间。

6.In September, a speeding train plowed into two buses at a busy crossing in Dhaka, kilpng at least seven people and injuring dozens.9月份时,一列快速行驶的火车在达卡一处繁忙的十字路口与两辆巴士相撞,令至少七人死亡,数十人受伤。

7.Arriving in Bangladesh the first discovery was that Dhaka is truly the "rickshaw capital of the world" .抵达孟加拉时,第一个发现便是:达卡不愧为“世界人力车之都”。

8.S. Foreign Service in 2004. Prior to working in Beijing, she served in Dhaka, Bangladesh as the Human Rights Officer and a Consular Officer.在来北京任职之前,曾于美国驻孟加拉达卡使馆任职人事官和领事官。

9.However, the workers were enraged that Dhaka had not agreed to the $75 a month they had demanded.不过,当局没有按照他们的要求将最低工资标准上调到每月75美元,这令工人们感到愤怒。

10.Some of the most the most egaptarian cities were found to be Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.孟加拉国的达卡和吉大港被认为是主张人人平等的城市。