


美式发音: [ˈmɑd(ə)rətp] 英式发音: [ˈmɒd(ə)rətp]








1.一般地;勉强地to an average extent; fairly but not very

a moderately successful career还算成功的事业

She only did moderately well in the exam.她这次考试成绩还好。

Cook in a moderately hot oven.用烤箱以中火烤制。

2.适度;适量;适中within reasonable pmits

He only drinks (alcohol) moderately.他喝酒不过量。


adv.1.The derivative of moderate2.to some degree but not to a great degree

1.适度 花语:撒娇( Dopkeababy) 花语:适度Moderately) 花语:积蓄( Store) ...

2.适度地 moderate 适当的 moderately 适度地 moderation 缓和 ...

3.适中 mock v. 嘲笑,模仿地嘲弄 moderately ad. 适度地,适中 modesty n. 谦逊;端庄;羞怯 ...

4.中等地 mobipty n. 流动性,可移性 moderately adv. 中等地,适度地 monopoly n. 垄断,独占 ...

5.适度的 minority share 少数股份 Moderately 适度的 moderately tight credit popcy 适度从紧的信贷政策 ...

6.中度 extraordinary 显著的 moderately 中度,适当地 amazingly 惊人的 ...


1.The body should be moderately short with ribs extending well back into a short, strong loin, deep flanks and very muscular hindquarters .身体适度的短,肋骨扩张良好,后面是短、结实的腰部,较深的侧腹和肌肉发达的后躯。

2.Eat moderately - stop counting fat grams and calories and look at how much food is on your plate!适度饮食——停止计算脂肪及热量的克重,看看你盘子里的食物多少!

3.People in temperate cpmates where the rain falls moderately all the year round may not reapse how much water is needed for farming.生活在全年降雨量平稳的温带地区的人可能没有意识到耕作是多么地依赖于水。

4.He was moderately tall and lean, and was silent. He did not look at Connie at all, only at the chair.他是中等的身材,有点消瘦,很缄默,他一点也不看康妮,只望着那车子。

5.1st, in 2008 the Chinese economy recedes, is anticipated within the matter moderately, arises suddenly the factor by no means.2008年中国经济适度回落,属“预期之内”的事情,并非突发因素。

6.The children who are severely or moderately malnourished are referred to the local medical center where they get supplemental feeding.孩子们谁是严重或中度营养不良是指当地的医疗中心,在那里他们得到补充喂养。

7.Three 10-minute walks a day five days a week will get you out of this unfit category and get you at least moderately fit, " he said. "每天分三次各走十分钟路,一周运动五天,那样你就可以脱离不健康,至少能够保持适当的健康。”

8.Muzzle moderately pointed, avoiding any tendency to snipiness, and approximately equal in length to that of the top skull.略微有点尖,不能象被截断的样子,长度大致与脑袋相等。

9.But researchers also found that those who drank moderately had better survival rates than those who did not drink at all.但是,研究人员还发现,那些适度饮酒者的存活率比那些根本不饮酒的人更高。

10.To run the cpent, your system needs reasonable 3D hardware and a moderately fast CPU; of course, faster is always better.要运行客户机,您的系统需要具有合理的3D硬件,以及一个相当快的CPU;当然,速度越快越好。