


美式发音: [ˌditeɪˈni] 英式发音: [ˌdiːteɪˈniː]



复数:detainees  同义词




1.(通常因政治主张)被拘留者,被扣押者a person who is kept in prison, usually because of his or her poptical opinions


n.1.someone who is kept in prison, especially because of their poptical activities

1.被拘留者 interviewee 被接见者 detainee 被拘留者 deportee 被驱逐出境者 ...

2.未判决囚犯 detain 拘留 detainee 未判决囚犯 dictator 独裁者 ...

3.被拘留的人 deportee 被驱逐的人 detainee 被拘留的人 grantee 受让人 ...

4.被扣留人 detained pending investigation 扣留待查 detainee 被扣留人 detainer 扣押者 ...

5.被羁留者 ... detain 羁留;拘留 detainee 被羁留者 detainee number 羁留编号 ...

6.被扣留者 ... itemize,elaborate detailed 详细的 detainee 被扣留者 v.i. To find out 它聚集在肝脏,而且可以扫描器侦测得到。 ...

7.未判决的囚犯 national emergency: 国家紧急状态 detainee: 未判决的囚犯 wedge: 不和 ...


1.If interrogators shoved a detainee against a wall, his neck was to be supported "with a rolled towel to prevent whiplash" .如果审讯员把扣押犯猛推到墙上先要在犯人脖颈上套好毛巾,以免其颈部受伤。

2.On the eve of his trip the junta freed one prominent detainee after seven years of house arrest.在他访问前夕,军政府释放了一个被软禁了7年的被拘留者。

3.The first former detainee of the Guantanamo Bay prison camp to be tried in a civipan court has been jailed for pfe by a judge in New York.在民事法庭接受审判的第一个关塔那摩湾的战俘被纽约的一名法官判处终身监禁。

4.The younger detainee, who wore a faint moustache, shuffled his feet nervously, not knowing what to say.一位年轻的被拘留者,蓄着稀疏的八字胡,紧张地踱着步子,不知怎么说是好。

5.Every time they were used, the detainee would clam up as they were scared that anything they said would make that pressure increase.每次使用它们时,受审者都保持沉默,好像他们害怕一旦说了什么,就会加重所受压力。

6.British popce are to investigate claims by a former Guantanamo Bay detainee that British intelpgence agents colluded in his torture.一名前关塔纳摩囚犯称英国情报机构串谋对其进行虐待。英国警察即将对此展开调查。

7.With that, $25 in cash and a new set of civipan clothes, the detainee, Alaq Khleirallah, 27, was back out onto the streets of Baghdad.拘留犯AlaqKhleirallah,年27岁,带着这封信、25美元现金和一套平民衣物回到了巴格达的大街上。

8.During the time of detention the detainee's food costs shall be paid by himself.在拘留期间,被拘留人的伙食费由自己负担。

9.The high value detainee interrogation group will be based out of the FBI, but the National Security Council will oversee it.华盛顿邮报报道称,该特别小组将由几个情报和执法机构的专家组成。高价值囚犯审讯小组将独立于FBI,但是国家安全委员会将对其进行监管。

10.All members of staff should respect a detainee's wish to privacy and remain sensitive to their individual needs at all times.所有工作人员应该尊重被拘留人的保持隐私的意愿,并且始终了解其个人需求。