




1.贮备 reserves 储量 reservior 贮备 reservist 后备军人 ...

2.传染窝 (三)流行病学( Epidemiology) (四)传染窝Reservior) (五)传染方式( Mode of transmission) ...

3.阿公髻山脚上的一个水库 ... 使处于良好状态 condition 储液池 reservior 流体储存及调符设备 fluid storage and conditioning equipment ...

5.储油罐 叶片泵? ? ? ? vane-type pump 储油罐? ? ? ? reservior 左横拉杆? ? ? ? left steering tie rod ...

6.贮藏处 reserves 储量 reservior 贮水池,贮藏处,贮备 reserved profit 保留[留存]利润 ...



1.each farm, reservior and pond is an isolated environment with its own particular advantages and shortcomings.每个农场,水库,池塘都是一个独立的环境,各有自己的特殊优缺点。

2.Some calculated results are given for a typical oil reservior, which will be useful for the electromagnetic wave oil recovery technique.结合典型储油层给出一些计算结果,对电磁波采油技术有参考价值。

3.The important facipties of the reservior are monitored through the image monitoring system.图像监视系统对水库重要设施进行实时监视。

4.'Well, the river carried me to a reservior.河水把我带到了一个贮水池,

5.with strong practicabipty , this dispatching system is closely combined with the actual operation of heiquan reservior.开发研究的水库调度系统密切结合黑泉水库的实际,具有较强的实用性。

6.Integrates the above methods, the paper has predicted favorable reservior distribution in Xiashaximiao Formation of ZZ Area.综合以上分析手段,预测了ZZ地区下沙溪庙组有利储层的分布。

7.In the end, it evaluates dolomite rock reservior and points out the distribution of favorable reservoir zone.最后对白云岩储层进行了分类评价,指出了有利储集区带的分布。

8.The reservior space are mainly intergranular apricot kernel inner pore and dissolved pore.储集空间类型主要有粒间孔、杏仁体内孔和溶蚀孔。

9.at last , seismic stabipty of the dam in erlongshan reservior is analyzed with traditional analysis method.接下来文章用传统地震稳定性分析方法对二龙山水库土坝进行了地震稳定性分析。

10.The two vertical-flow land system was adopted to treat miro-polluted water of the Chanzhi Reservior in Qingdao.采用两级垂直流土地系统处理青岛市产芝水库微污染水体。