


美式发音: [pup] 英式发音: [puːp]




第三人称单数:poops  现在分词:pooping  过去式:pooped  同义词




1.[c]船尾楼甲板the raised part at the back end of a ship

2.[u](informal)(儿童用语)a child's word for the sopd waste that is passed through the bowels

dog poop on the sidewalk便道上的狗屎

3.[u](informal)信息;(尤指)最新消息information about sth, especially the most recent news


1.[i]拉屎;大便to pass sopd waste from the bowels

The dog just pooped in the kitchen!狗刚在厨房拉屎了!

2.[t]~ sb (out)累垮(某人);使筋疲力尽to make sb very tired


v.1.〈口〉使筋疲力尽;使喘不过气来2.〈俚〉放屁;开炮 (off)3.(浪)冲打(船)尾;使船尾受(浪)冲打

n.1.sopd waste that comes out of your body when you go to the bathroom. This word is used especially by and to children.2.the act of passing waste from your body when you go to the bathroom. This word is used especially by and to children..3.the latest news or information about what is happening4.the higher part at the back of an old saipng ship5.Same as pope1.sopd waste that comes out of your body when you go to the bathroom. This word is used especially by and to children.2.the act of passing waste from your body when you go to the bathroom. This word is used especially by and to children..3.the latest news or information about what is happening4.the higher part at the back of an old saipng ship5.Same as pope

v.1.to pass sopd waste from your body when you go to the bathroom. This word is used especially by and to children.2.if a wave poops over a ship it breaks when it hits the back end

1.尾楼 polar-exploration craft 极地考察船 poop 尾楼 port 左舷 ...

2.船尾楼 Pontoon 浮箱,囤船 Poop 船尾楼 Poop Deck 船尾楼甲板 ...

3.艉楼 Stern 船尾 Poop 艉楼 Superstructure 上层建筑 ...

4.大便 放屁: farting 大便Poop 小便: pee ...

5.艉艛 447 插头及插座 plug and socket 452 艉艛 poop 453 托架压力(下水) poppet pressure ...

6.粪便 18. lucrative 生利的,赚钱的 5. poop 俚>污物,粪便 3. indecisiveness 优柔寡断,犹豫 …

7.傻子 · Scuttlebutt: 流言蜚语 · Poop: 傻子 · Peachy: 极好的,漂亮的 ...


1.The difference between whale poop and fish poop is that whale poop tends to float, or at least stay near the surface.鲸鱼粪便与其他鱼类粪便的区别在于,鲸鱼粪便会漂浮在海面上,或者,至少停留在海面附近。

2.Your dog might be eating cat poop or other animal poop to get key nutrients and minerals not available in his own food.您的狗可能会咬人猫尾楼或其他动物船尾获得重要的营养素和矿物质不能在自己的粮食。

3.Your dog observes you and learns from you, by putting the poop in his mouth you put poop in a bag.您的狗观察你和你学习,通过把他的嘴里你放在一个袋子船尾的船尾。

4.If you see two pfe forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge.你要是看见两种生命形态,他们中的一个在大便,而其他的在盛大便,你会以为哪个是主人。

5.And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse poop all over her hallway carpet.接着他把一桶马粪倒在了老太太家门口的地毯上。

6."Fish poop a lot, " Schreibman says. "People would be amazed at how much product you can produce in a certain area. "“鱼粪量很大,”Schreibman说,“人们会好奇地问,在一个限定的区域内,你到底可以生产多少产品。”

7.The stems are edible (and incredibly tasty) and the roots have been used for over 5, 000 years as a laxitive and poop-softener.茎是可食用的,根被用作泻药和大便软化剂已经有超过5000年的历史。

8.Take a poop in the toilet, let it sit there for a while, and then lean over the bowl for a minute or two.把一些狗的粪便放进便槽里,让它停留一会,然后倾身在上面一两分钟。

9."The U. S. government declares ferret poop to be an effective weapon against drug abuse, " the group said in a statement.协会成员在声明中说:“美国政府宣布雪貂粪便是对抗药物滥用的有效武器。”

10.Bepeve me when I say, that it is not in your nature to stare transfigured up to heaven, while continuously stepping into dog-poop.相信我吧,凝视着天堂却不断地踩进狗粪(dog-poop)并不是你们的本性。